The Best Motivating Films About Business Success

The Best Motivating Films About Business Success
The Best Motivating Films About Business Success

Novice businessmen do not always understand well how to develop their business and become successful. You can get useful ideas from several movies that have already become truly iconic.

The best motivating films about business success
The best motivating films about business success

Modern films about business

Over the past decade, there have been many films about business success. These films will be very useful for modern entrepreneurs, as they largely reflect modern business economic realities. In addition, they are well filmed, and most of them have been nominated for prestigious film awards. So, you can recommend for viewing:

  • "The wolf of Wall Street";
  • "Jobs: Empire of temptation";
  • "Social network";
  • “The game for a fall”.

The Wolf of Wall Street, directed by Martin Scorsese, was released in 2013 and starred Leonardo DiCaprio. The tape tells the biographical story of the broker Jordan Belfort, who managed to amass a huge fortune by selling cheap shares of little-known companies at high prices. Despite the fact that Belfort's actions were found to be fraudulent and he was convicted, the film shows how to proceed to achieve the highest business success.

Also in 2013, another biopic, Jobs: Empire of Seduction, starring Ashton Kutcher, was released. The film tells the story of the life and success of the creator of Apple Corporation Steve Jobs, who is an example of a true entrepreneur who managed to change the situation in the computer technology market.

The Social Network is a 2010 biographical epic about Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, played by Jesse Eisenberg. Zuckerberg became the founder of the world's largest social network and has served as an example for hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world.

The movie "Selling a Ride", starring Christian Bale and Brad Pitt, was released in 2015. The tape tells about a group of economists who foresaw the onset of the financial crisis in 2008 and managed to make money on it. It's a gripping story that has inspired many business people.

The best films about business according to "Forbes"

Forbes, an international business magazine, recently published its list of movies worth watching about business success. It includes more classic films, including:

  • Glengarry Glen Ross;
  • Boiler room;
  • "Wall Street".

The first of these, Glengarry Glen Ross, came out in 1992. This is a detective drama that shows how to work in a team in which tensions reign between the leader and subordinates. The film also demonstrates tricky sales techniques in a highly competitive environment that will be relevant to entrepreneurs today.

The Boiler Room of 2000 is one of the most dynamic and exciting films about business. He talks about the formation of a career as a novice broker, shows the basic principles of successful sales and how to solve various difficulties that inevitably arise before young entrepreneurs. Finally, viewers will be able to learn to distinguish honest businessmen from scammers who are not afraid to use all their fraudulent abilities.

The Wall Street film is one of the oldest: it was released in 1987. Despite its venerable age, the film has not lost its relevance at all. It describes the basic principles of doing business, reveals the secrets of successful trading, and also teaches the correct interaction of aspiring entrepreneurs with more experienced ones.

Films about women in business

There are not as many entrepreneurs among the fairer sex as among men. They often find it extremely difficult in the process of starting and developing their business. Fortunately, there are several films that will charge you with motivation and useful knowledge:

  • “I don’t know how she does it”;
  • Frozen from Miami;
  • "Businesswoman".

The film "I Don't Know How She Does It" was released in 2011. This is an easy and fun comedy that tells how you can successfully combine business and motherhood. In an unobtrusive manner, it will help modern young mothers to set and achieve their daily and business goals correctly.

The film "Frozen from Miami" was released in 2008. Learn how to build your business from scratch and how to get it out of a mess in this easy-to-play family-friendly comedy. At the same time, the main character of the film is a woman who has to go to great lengths for her goals. In this way, the right motivation is ensured.

The film "Business Woman" was released in 1988. Despite its age, it is still relevant and fully lives up to its name. The tape tells about the formation of a successful business created by a woman. In addition, it reveals many of the secrets of successful negotiation and management.

TV series about business

Not only movies are shot about successful entrepreneurs, but also television series. The latter should not be overlooked at all, since they reveal in more detail some aspects of doing business, and also delight with unexpected plot twists. The most famous and relevant TV series include:

  • Mr. Selfridge;
  • Mad Men;
  • "Breaking Bad".

The series "Mr. Selfridge" was released in 2013 and immediately gained great popularity among viewers around the world. An interesting plot tells about the life of an American entrepreneur at the beginning of the last century G. G. Selfridge. From the show, you can learn valuable lessons on starting a business from scratch without any shenanigans and other dishonest techniques. This is a wonderful guide to sales and marketing.

An interesting project called "Mad Men" was released in 2007. In the center of the plot is charming, charismatic and at the same time insane from a positive point of view "salesman" Don Draper. The series is replete with invaluable lessons on successful sales, tells how to achieve high career growth and learn how to communicate with different people.

Breaking Bad is a cult series that aired from 2008 to 2013. This is the fictional story of an ordinary chemistry teacher who is forced to open his own drug business in order to earn money and help himself and his family. Despite all the adventurousness and illegality, true professionalism and dedication to the goals set for himself can be traced in the actions of Walter White.
