How Catholics Celebrate Saint Dominic's Day

How Catholics Celebrate Saint Dominic's Day
How Catholics Celebrate Saint Dominic's Day

Every year on August 6, the Catholic Church celebrates the Day of Commemoration of St. Dominic. This man was the founder of one of the most famous monastic orders - the Order of the Preachers or the Dominican Order.

How Catholics celebrate Saint Dominic's Day
How Catholics celebrate Saint Dominic's Day

Dominique de Guzman was born in 1170 into a wealthy and respected Spanish family. His entire family was distinguished by severity towards himself and mercy towards everyone around him. Dominic's mother and his younger brother were blessed for their deeds.

From birth, Dominic grew up in an atmosphere of love for God. From the age of seven he studied under the guidance of his uncle, a priest. At school he studied theology and liberal arts. In 1184, Dominique de Guzman entered the university in Valencia, where for the first time his public sermons began to sound not only the words of God, but universal mercy and service to people.

During his studies at the university, in 1191, there was a terrible famine. Young Dominic gave all his money to the needy, sold all his belongings and clothes, and even his books, to help out more money for the poor. In that age of value and rarity of manuscripts, this was a real feat. He inspired his fellow students and teachers with his act, who together were able to raise a huge amount to help the hungry.

The life of this saint is filled with many such examples of self-sacrifice and the accomplishment of a large number of other feats. Saint Dominic was loved and revered even at that time. On the basis of his deeds, the traditions of celebrating the Day of Remembrance of St. Dominic have developed.

Every year on August 6, a huge number of charitable events aimed at supporting the poor are held. In addition, it is customary to give out your belongings to the poor and needy, as St. Dominic did in 1191. One of the main features of this holiday was the custom of giving books to loved ones and acquaintances, and in the evening, after the service in the church, the whole family must gather for dinner.

The tradition of the Catholic Church for this day is associated with the obligatory reading of the Rosary on the rosary during the service. This tradition is also associated with Saint Dominic. According to legend, in 1214, the Virgin Mary appeared to Dominic, who presented him with a rosary. This prayer consists of alternating prayers "Our Father", "Hail Mary" and a short Doxology.