What Hollywood Actors Have Russian Roots

What Hollywood Actors Have Russian Roots
What Hollywood Actors Have Russian Roots

The most popular Hollywood actors are from the Soviet Union or have Russian roots. Many of them speak proudly of their origins.

Mila Kunis
Mila Kunis

If you sort through the biographies of all Hollywood actors and their families, one very intriguing fact will emerge. Most of the foreign artists have Russian roots. This, at first glance, an absurd statement, is completely true.

Hollywood stars are Russians

For example, the famous Hollywood actress Mila Jovovich, who to this day is increasing the number of fans thanks to her talent, was born in Kiev, and her parents have Russian roots. She first heard English at the age of 5, before that she had learned to speak Russian. The mother of the star - Galina Loginova was a popular Soviet artist, among the films with her participation the famous "Shadows disappear at noon".

Another beauty - actress Mila Kunis - not so long ago stunned the public with the message that she was from Chernivtsi, in Ukraine, and her parents had Russian roots.

David Duchovny, best known for his The X-Files series, is also somewhat Russian. David's father was Jewish, but was born in Russia, then lived in Ukraine for some time and emigrated to the States.

Natalie Portman is an actress who won her well-deserved Oscar in 2011 and has roots of various nationalities. Born in Jerusalem, she is the owner of Jewish, Polish, Romanian and most importantly Russian roots. Natalie's maternal ancestors once immigrated to the United States from Russia and Hungary, and on her father's side - from Poland and Romania.

Gwyneth Paltrow is an actress with Jewish and Russian roots. Gwen's father is a descendant of the most famous family of rabbis - Paltrovich, once they lived in Minsk, but then they had to move to the USA and change their surname in a different manner, more convenient for American pronunciation.

The ancestors of the very famous actor Harrison Ford also moved to America from Belarus, having Russian and Jewish roots.

A bright, funny dark-skinned actress who delightfully plays any role - Whoopi Goldberg is no exception to this list, thanks to her grandmother who hails from Odessa. Now it's easy to understand why she was able to play comedic roles so well.

Hollywood is proud of its roots

Sylvester Stallone, a recognized militant star, calls himself Russian, since his great-grandmother was Jewish, who was born in Odessa before the revolution.

Steven Spielberg, without whom Hollywood would not have been Hollywood, is also to some extent Russian, because his two grandfathers are from Russia.

The same can be said about other actors, for example, Leonardo DiCaprio, Winona Ryder, Michael Douglas, Nicole Scherzinger, Helen Mirren, Dustin Hoffman, etc.

Many of the best actors have Russian ancestors in one way or another, but the most interesting thing is that they appreciate it and speak about it loudly with a sense of pride and love for their roots.