History Of Ancient Egypt

History Of Ancient Egypt
History Of Ancient Egypt

It is not for nothing that ancient Egypt is called “the mother of all civilizations”. Egypt gave impetus to the development of medicine, military technology, literature, and construction. Many technologists and techniques have not yet been solved, for example, how the great pyramids were built, which have stood without collapsing for millennia.

Temple in Abu Simbel
Temple in Abu Simbel

Earlier Kingdom

This period is called the "Archaic Era", which lasted from 3120 to 2649 BC. At this time, Egypt was divided into two parts - north and south, so there were kings who had two crowns: one blue, the other red.

Presumably, the first kings, Jer, Semerkhet, Kaa, appeared in the middle of Egypt, in the center of the eighth nome (region), in the ancient city of Abydos, which later became the center of worship of the god of the dead - Osiris. The most prominent representative of this era was Jer - a successful conqueror who conquered Nubia.

The Egyptians of this era were very punctual people. Almost every day they made measurements of the water of the Nile River, made their own calendar for the convenience of calculating days, weeks, months, years. They determined the years on the basis of events significant for the country.

The army was already there at that time, but at a very early stage of development. The Egyptians began to keep a chronicle, specially trained people were hired for this, they were called scribes. They kept records on papyri and clay tablets, as well as on the walls of royal temples and later in the pyramids. During this era, polytheism, that is, polytheism, was actively preached. The construction of the first pyramids was carried out, it was very costly and required a large amount of human resources.

Middle Kingdom

This era is called "classical", which lasted from 2040 to 1645 BC. The Egyptians actively studied and developed new technologies. For example, the smelting of weapons and tools from bronze, the first chariots appeared, they learned how to make glass, improved agriculture, and achieved great success in mathematics, medicine, astronomy. Literature also developed, but, unfortunately, only a few works have survived to this day: "The History of Sinukhet", "Conversation of the Disappointed with His Soul", etc.

In this era, Asian tribes, the Hyksos, raided, which caused tangible damage to the civilization of Egypt. There was an active construction of the pyramids. The pharaohs of the Senusret dynasty simplified the construction of their pyramids using old materials from previous pyramids and temples. The thousandth army of workers was no longer required, and from this the construction costs decreased significantly.

The brightest pharaoh of this era is Ramses II. He can rightfully be considered a great ruler thanks to his reforms and campaigns in neighboring lands. Thanks to him, the empire expanded and new cities were built on the conquered lands.

New kingdom

This era was the peak of the power of Ancient Egypt. The new kingdom, judging by the ancient chronicles, lasted from 1550 to 1069 BC. The country was the flagship in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Egyptians are mastering new technologies, active foreign trade with other countries is developing, due to this, the Egyptian nobility becomes richer and more powerful, culture and art began to develop more actively.

Great construction began. Starting with Pharaoh Tutomos I, more and more pharaohs built truly magnificent tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Huge temples were being built in Karnak and Luxor. Art and literature were on the rise and had a variety of genres. The main masterpiece is the Book of the Dead. This book was a huge source of information about the development of carnalism in ancient Egypt.

The era of decline and Hellenism

The era lasted from 1000 to 332 BC. Egypt was pursued by crisis after crisis. Egypt soon became part of the Persian Empire. Then Egypt was conquered by Alexander the Great, the era of Hellenism began. After the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great, Egypt was connected mainly economically and politically with Greece and later the Roman empires. As a result, Egypt became part of the Roman Empire.

In its current state, Egypt is a Muslim country, and at the same time there are many Christian and Jewish communities in modern Egypt, which speaks of the long-suffering history of this country.
