What Is Norbekov's Phenomenon

What Is Norbekov's Phenomenon
What Is Norbekov's Phenomenon

Norbekov is a legendary man, possessing paranormal abilities, thanks to which he can heal people. According to him, he is able to read minds and move in space. Who is he really: a charlatan or a magician and healer?

What is Norbekov's phenomenon
What is Norbekov's phenomenon

Arnold Firth dedicated a book to the phenomenon of Mirzakarim Norbekov, in which the author describes in detail the history of acquaintance and joint attendance of specialized lectures and seminars. Moreover, the book tells how the events took place to study the personality of Norbekov, not only in reality, but also in a dream.

Communication in a dream

The author shares his impressions of the non-standard behavior of a charismatic nature and notes with surprise that many times their communication takes place in dreams. There Norbekov leads Firt through the walls and discusses with him about the stereotypes of human perception. In his conversations, he reveals the main secret of his magician phenomenon - the lack of convictions about the uniqueness of the world and the lack of limitations in the mind about human capabilities.

Norbekov emphasizes that every baby is born with great potential and is able to work miracles until his parents and close circle begin to teach him about life. They drive the child into the framework of conventions and convince that there are many things to be afraid of and not even worth trying to do.

Norbekov in front of an audience

The author shares his impressions of how Norbekov presents to the audience his ability to read minds and predict events. Choosing one visitor to the lecture from a large number of listeners, he asks him to turn away and shows the audience on his fingers the numbers that the person is supposed to call. Subsequently, it turns out that these figures are called. Norbekov explains this fact by the ability to look into the future for five minutes, where he becomes a witness to the conversation. He only needs to remember what he heard, go back and voice it.

Biographical data

Based on scarce biographical data, Norbekov was born in Uzbekistan in 1957. He dropped out of the cotton institute in his third year, and began to travel around the Soviet Union and conduct all kinds of seminars on a healthy lifestyle. At this time, he himself actively attends various courses and is engaged in self-development.

After meeting with the candidate of medical sciences Larisa Fatina, Norbekov systematizes his knowledge and creates an individual exercise program, which is subsequently recognized in society as a unique health-improving system. Later Mirzakarim Norbekov became a doctor of psychology, pedagogy and a doctor of philosophy in medicine, as well as the author of many scientific discoveries.

At the moment, there is no unequivocal opinion about the personality of Norbekov. Some blindly believe in his healing methods and natural talent, while others doubt how quickly the master of suggestions got so many regalia and all kinds of diplomas.
