What Is Faith

What Is Faith
What Is Faith

Faith is a person's conviction that somewhere above him there is a powerful and all-embracing force, to which the universe is subordinated. Any religion in this light is just a way to clothe the invisible, an attempt to make an image that defies description more concrete, to endow it with human qualities, reason and emotions.

What is faith
What is faith

Of course, in a broader sense, religion can be viewed as a tool for managing society. But if we abstract from the historical processes in which the clergy had an influence on the secular, economic and political aspects of life, only the inner feeling of a person remains. The concept of spirit, soul is directly connected with faith. In many teachings, the spirit, in contrast to the mortal physical shell, is immortal. A person is afraid of the unknown that awaits him beyond the last line, because the survival instinct is inherent in nature itself. Faith, on the other hand, gives a person hope that his life path will not end with the biological death of the body, it helps to overcome the fear of physical disappearance. The internal connection of a person with the supreme deity can be based on different conditions: on fear, respect, obsequious worship, almost equal partnership, love. This diversity stems from the fact that people come to faith in different ways and for different reasons. Someone from childhood is brought up in fear of the fact that someone powerful and all-seeing will be punished for their wrong actions. Someone is told about the mercy and forgiveness of God, his constant concern for his earthly children. Others simply need a "scapegoat" on whose machinations they can blame their personal failures and blunders. Faith is a powerful stimulus for both inspired action and doomed inaction. This is an attempt by man to determine his place in the structure of the universe and to give meaning to his existence. A way to get rid of loneliness (God is around, he is always there) and the opportunity to feel like a significant cog in the general system of interactions of everything that exists in nature. It is a fervent hope that life is not a simple biological process, but part of a great spiritual sacrament.