In Which Countries Is Polygamy Allowed

In Which Countries Is Polygamy Allowed
In Which Countries Is Polygamy Allowed

The fourteenth article of the Family Code of the Russian Federation permits the only type of marriage - between one man and one woman, prohibiting all others. The legislators of most other states act similarly, but not all. A respectable part of the states of Asia and Africa, mostly Muslim, if they do not encourage polygamy, then turn a blind eye to it. They do not say the word "haram" ("no", from which came "harem").

In which countries is polygamy allowed
In which countries is polygamy allowed

Sukhov, you say?

The code is the code, and individual attempts to resolve polygamy in modern Russia have nevertheless been made. They were initiated by the leaders of Ingushetia and Chechnya. Formally, such inclinations towards the Middle Ages were deviated. But in fact, polygamy has survived in the North Caucasus. Only secretly. Eyewitnesses of Caucasian rituals claim that a highlander concludes his first marriage with a woman in a registry office, and the rest in a mosque.

The situation is similar in Central Asia. Especially in Turkmenistan, where the authorities allowed local men to have more than one spouse. Immediately I remember the immortal "White Sun of the Desert" and Comrade Sukhov together with the harem of the Basmach Abdullah. After all, the action of this film took place precisely in the Turkmen sands.

Contrary to Solomon

"Everything passes. This too shall pass". Such an inscription was made on the ring, which, according to legend, was worn by the Hebrew king Solomon. Since the time of Solomon, a lot has really changed, except, perhaps, polygamy. Moreover, one of its founders was the king himself, who had almost 700 wives and three hundred concubines. Other well-known biblical and even historical characters - Abraham, Jacob, Lamech, the Prophet Muhammad with his fifteen wives - were not distinguished by their "monogamy" either.

By the way, it is Muhammad that is mainly referred to, albeit in absentia, by modern Muslims and their supporters, who have taken the fashion to have modern comfortable harems. A couple of kings from Swaziland are considered the real record holders. But if Sobkhuza II was the husband of 70 African young ladies at once, then his successor Mswati III had "only" 13 spouses. However, all current and past monarchs are far ahead of a simple 84-year-old Nigerian named Muhammad Bello. Even when faced with the threat of a real execution, he did not want to choose only four of his 86 wives. Curiously, over the course of almost all of his life, Bello argued that it was not necessary to start such a huge family, it was nothing but trouble.

In hot yellow Africa

Of all African countries, polygamy is not allowed only in almost “European” Tunisia, as well as in Benin and Eritrea. In others, even not entirely Muslim, it is considered good manners to have multiple wives. Sometimes, however, it is a little limited by laws.

For example, in Djibouti you cannot have more than four wives. In Algeria, the second wife can enter the family only if the first spouse agrees and there is a positive court decision. In Mauritania, the first lady, once per marriage, has the right to demand that the husband not have another wife. In the Congo, the first wife must immediately declare that she is against other marriages of the spouse, this is taboo. In Morocco, anyone who wants to have a second wife can do it again with the permission of the court. The husband is also required to prove long-term solvency and vow to love all wives.

Shariah roll

A collection of basic rules of conduct for a devout Muslim called "Sharia" allows you to have four wives, while requiring you to take care of everyone and in equal shares. Thanks to this "permission", almost all Asian countries with a predominantly Muslim population are actively taking advantage of the opportunity to legalize polygamy. Again, with certain reservations.

In Pakistan, a husband must obtain written consent from the first wife before introducing his second wife into the house. In Jordan, a man cannot have more than four wives. But when he is going to enter into a second marriage, he must introduce his wives and prove his ability to support them financially. In Lebanon, where there are enough Christians, only Muslims are allowed to marry polygamous. In Singapore, in addition to the consent of the first wife, the husband is required to obtain permission from the local administration.

In Nepal, a man gets the right to marry without divorce only in cases of force majeure that happened to his first spouse. Their list includes blindness, insanity, venereal disease, paralysis, ten years of infertility. Another acceptable option is the voluntary consent of the first wife, having previously received part of the property, to live separately and not file for divorce. Burma is the only Asian country that allows polygamy but does not practice Islam.

You can't, but you can

In some countries accepting immigrants from Africa and Asia, despite the general prohibition, only Muslims emigrating to them are allowed to have several wives in the family. Such states include, for example, Australia, Great Britain and France. In particular, the British government even gives families of polygamists considerable social benefits and pays an allowance.
