The Purpose Of The Writing Of The Gospels By The Apostles

The Purpose Of The Writing Of The Gospels By The Apostles
The Purpose Of The Writing Of The Gospels By The Apostles

There are four canonical gospels that are accepted by the fullness of the Christian Church. These sacred texts include the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Purpose of the Writing of the Gospels by the Apostles
The Purpose of the Writing of the Gospels by the Apostles

The main purpose of the writing of the gospels by the holy apostles was to preach about the appearance of Jesus Christ in the world, who saved mankind. The gospels indicate that it was Christ who became the long-awaited Messiah not only for the Jewish people, but for all mankind.

The Christian Church teaches that by his death Christ saves the entire race of people from the power of the devil and sin, thereby giving a person the opportunity to be in paradise again after his death. Orthodoxy claims that only after the death of Christ, a person was able to go to heaven. By his death, Christ destroys the spiritual death of man. In addition, the gospel tells people about the real possibility of a resurrection. More precisely, in the gospels one can find indications of the dogma of the Orthodox Church on the general resurrection of the dead.

In addition to describing the doctrinal truths of Christianity, the apostles set forth in their gospels the foundations of the moral teaching of Christ. We can say that the purpose of writing the Gospels was not only the story of the coming into the world of the Messiah, but also calling on humanity to change its life in the direction of spiritual growth.

You can also highlight the characteristic features of individual gospels. For example, the Evangelist Matthew wanted to emphasize the human nature of Christ, his origin from David. The Apostle Mark gives special reference to the royal divine being of Christ, describing the many miracles of the Savior. Saint Luke speaks of Christ as the one who sacrificed himself for all mankind, and the Evangelist John, with the height of his syllable, sets out the basis of the theology of the Christian Church, the doctrine of Christ as God, eternally born of the Father and having equality with God the Father in divine nature …