Social Policy Models

Social Policy Models
Social Policy Models

Video: Social Policy Models

Video: Social Policy Models
Video: Models of Social Policy Residual Model Institutional Redistributive Industrial achievement UGC NET 2025, January

A social policy model is a set of tools that are used by the state to resolve social issues. Such a model, as a rule, is based on a certain doctrine, which differs in the degree of influence and influence of the state on the social sphere. There are several classifications of models of social policy, and each of them reflects one of the aspects of social direction.

Social policy models
Social policy models

Social Democratic, Conservative, Liberal and Catholic Models

On the question of the number of models of social policy, political scientists have not yet come to an unambiguous opinion. There are several classifications, each of which is considered equally correct. However, the following classification can be considered the most used. According to her, there are 4 models of social policy: social democratic, conservative, liberal and Catholic.

The key criterion for evaluating these models is the probability of achieving a positive solution to two problems: the problem of employment and the problem of poverty.

In the social democratic model, attention is focused on the social redistribution of income through fiscal policy. And also on the employment of the able-bodied part of the population.

In the conservative model, significant emphasis is placed on the employment of the population, but social redistribution is not considered important. In this model, the phenomenon of the “working poor” is most clearly manifested.

The liberal model is characterized by a low level of employment of the population, but a rather high level of social redistribution.

In the Catholic (also called Latin) model of both employment and social redistribution, very little attention is paid by the state.

Beveridge and Bismarck models

Another commonly used classification is the European Community (EU) Commission classification. In this classification, there are two main models of social policy: Beveridge and Bismarck.

The Bismarck model is characterized by the establishment of a rigid connection between the level of social protection and the success of professional activity. In this case, social payments are implemented in the form of insurance premiums. In other words, social protection in this model is not dependent on the state budget.

The Beveridge model is based on the postulate that any person, regardless of their affiliation with the active population, has the right to protection (albeit minimal) in the event of illness, old age, or any other limitation of their resources.

Funding for such a system comes through taxes from the state budget. And in this case, the principle of national solidarity and the concept of distributive justice are realized.

Pan-European model

Currently, a new pan-European model of social policy continues to actively form. It is based on the principle of combining economic efficiency and social solidarity.

The emphasis in this model is placed on the balanced development of social policy in Europe, as well as on the observance of the interests of all EU member states. The process of reorientation of social programs from a universal to an individual level is being implemented. This process helps to implement social policy more efficiently and cheaper for the state, since assistance is provided only to those who really need it.