Social Sphere As Social Relations

Social Sphere As Social Relations
Social Sphere As Social Relations

The social sphere is an extensive and ambiguous concept that is considered from different angles by representatives of various sciences. From the point of view of sociology, it can be viewed as a set of certain social relations.

Social sphere as social relations
Social sphere as social relations

In sociology, as in other humanities, there are several definitions of this or that phenomenon. Before considering the social sphere as a kind of social relations, it is necessary to choose the most suitable formulation for a given phrase. The term includes all relations that arise in the process of human life when considering a person as a unit of society (interpersonal, interethnic, working relations).

All meanings of the concept of "social sphere" are related, although they are assessed in different ways. From the point of view of sociology and social philosophy, this is an area of public life that includes separate social groups (by profession, nationality, gender, etc.) and the variety of connections between them.

Political science and economics define the concept of the social sphere as a set of organizations, enterprises and industries that carry out activities that improve the standard of living of the population (for example, utilities, social security services, health care). From this point of view, it is not an independent sphere of society's functioning, but an area connecting politics and economics, in which the state's resources are being redistributed.

Social relations in the social sphere assume that a person, in the process of self-determination and communication with other individuals, ascribes himself to certain groups of the population, which in turn interact with each other. Occupying a certain place in society, a person is simultaneously attached to many groups (gender, age, education, profession, marital status, place of residence, nationality, social origin, social status).

Social relations within these groups allow us to describe the structure of society: gender, age, marital status reflect the demographic structure; place of residence - settlement structure; nationality - ethnic structure. It is also possible to distinguish the structure of educational and professional, and social origin and position create an estate-class structure, which includes castes, classes, estates, etc.

The variety of relationships between population groups, classes, organizations that provide a person with an appropriate standard of living, create the basis of the social sphere and are an instrument of influence on it, capable of slowing down or accelerating the development process not only of this area, but also of society as a whole.
