How To Solve Masonic Secrets

How To Solve Masonic Secrets
How To Solve Masonic Secrets

In the Middle Ages, the order of the Freemasons was very widespread, it consisted of the most advanced minds who led society in the 17th century: Buckle, Bacon, Leibniz, Jan Comenius, persons of royal blood. The goal of the Freemasons, according to their statements, is to carry and preserve spiritual benefits for all mankind. Today, this order also includes thousands of people. Famous Masonic secrets were the hallmark of this community.

How to solve Masonic secrets
How to solve Masonic secrets

The change in the charter of the Freemasons took place in 1717 when Freemasonry became "speculative" (or "philosophical"). All members of the brotherhood were ordered to keep secret certain words, signs and handshakes, they had to respect them and refrain from showing them in public. Over time, mystery became an integral part of the cult, and despite the publication of many secrets in 1730, the Freemasons did not stop honoring their charter.

One of the main secrets of the Freemasons was the unusual and very complex ceremony of accepting new members into the society (lodge). Blindfolded, the "layman" was brought to a certain place, where the rest of the members of the lodge had already gathered. Stepping on the inscribed signs (their meaning was exposed only after joining the order), he solemnly reads the text of the oath. In the event of betrayal or the disclosure of a secret, he betrays his soul to eternal damnation, and his body to death from the sword of the brothers. The new member is awarded a white leather apron, a symbol of the brotherhood of masons, men's mittens and a silver spatula - from now on he is called to "build the Great Temple of Humanity."

The ceremony could be slightly different for different lodges - secret signs, secret words, figurines were passed on to the accepted members, they got tattoos by which other Masons could recognize them. Even more secret and little-known was the ceremony of initiation into higher degrees - in general, there were 33 steps in the hierarchical ladder of Freemasonry.

The principle of the Masonic order is based on secrecy. Modern Freemasonry considers itself strong enough, therefore, does not see the need for conspiracy, but general awareness cannot cover the secret work, hidden Freemasonry. Having vowed to remain silent at the ceremony of joining the lodge, a member of the lodge is henceforth obliged to carry out all orders of higher members.

The student has no idea about the work of a comrade, who, in turn, knows nothing about the goals and work of the master. The disciples know only a few members of the lodge, the rest are unknown to them. Likewise, the master knows his immediate superior, and does not know the rest (although, perhaps, they live next door to him). Such a system of a secret society operates at all levels of the hierarchy. An order given from above is carried out implicitly and secretly.

The Masons, who are on the lower steps, play the role of only executors. The main secrets are hidden at the top of the pyramid - only the adepts and princes of the Masonic lodge know them. They alone determine the true goals of the order - and govern everyone else. Sacred knowledge was so carefully hidden from others that many mysteries of past centuries are no longer possible to learn today.
