What Is Culture

What Is Culture
What Is Culture

Culture has several definitions. Sometimes this word refers to varieties of domesticated plants. Culture is often synonymous with the moral and spiritual development of a person. But more often culture encompasses the entire spectrum of human life.

What is culture
What is culture

Culture is, first of all, traditions and art. The word itself comes from the Latin "cultivation, veneration". Culture reflects in itself the meaning of life of a particular people. It conveys in material products and human behavior the entire spectrum of the people's views on the very existence of the world and humanity. And she alone can give comprehensive answers to all questions about the disappeared ethnic groups. It can be used to judge the level of not only spiritual, but also the technical development of a nation or state. In the Ancient World and the early Middle Ages, the main and almost the only source of cultural development was religion. Even the busts of ancient Greek and Roman prominent figures were created to perpetuate, to create the image of the immortality of people. The fear of death forced the living to be imprinted on stone, as if moving away from the transition to eternity. Various totems also carried a cultural load. Only the people of modern times have learned to see in the wooden blocks of a thousand years ago not gods and demons, but objects of historical value. Objects demonstrating the cultural and moral level of the people who worshiped the idol. Later, culture began to separate from religion. But still, until now, they are closely related. The high spiritual and moral level of religious peoples demonstrates the same high level of culture. The opposite rule also applies. Countries moving away from faith and plunging into the abyss of swagger and indifference lose the brightness of cultural reproduction of the meaning of their existence. They seem to be returning to the historical and moral plane of the Ancient World. When a person had a very meager number of vital interests, this can be seen in the example of many modern countries The art of such countries, playing with bright colors and shining with diverse ideas in the past, is in a catastrophic decline today. The general cultural level falls, illiteracy and indifference develop. And, probably, only a return to historical values will be able to prevent a cultural catastrophe.
