Few of us pay due attention to such an accessory as a handkerchief. But for several centuries he talked about belonging to a certain stratum in society, and today he is a fashionable subject and sometimes even a work of art.

Step 1
The handkerchief as a fashion accessory first appeared in Italy during the Renaissance, and then spread in France, Germany and Spain. Throughout the XVI-XVII centuries, headscarves were a decorative addition to a costume. As a hygiene item, handkerchiefs have been used since the 18th century, and only in the 19th century they become an item necessary for everyone.
Peter I, introducing European culture, along with hairstyles and clothes, also introduced handkerchiefs by a special decree. In Russia, they began to be called "fly" and the standard was approved 40 by 40 cm - the width of the loom. Imported pants were made of muslin, cambric, gas. The fly was a ceremonial and decorative item, an adornment for the princely and boyar costume. Such a suit was made of heavy patterned velvet, brocade, satins with large symmetrical patterns. It was distinguished by the unity of volumes and lack of mobility, therefore, the fly with its lightness and airiness was of particular importance, complementing the figurative-plastic structure of ancient Russian clothing.
The hawthorn girl, holding a fly in her hands, demonstrated her skills. The character of the fly patterns was in tune with the elements of ornamental decorativeness and cheerfulness inherent in Russian culture of the 17th century.

Step 2
Various kinds of embroidered or fringed cambric and silk scarves continued to play an important social function. They were sprinkled with perfume and deliberately dropped so that the gentleman could pick them up, they waved after them and wiped away the tears, the handkerchief of the lady of the heart fluttered on the knight's armor, and the handkerchief, as a sign of ordination, adorned the sleeve of the Catholic hierarch.
Embroidery with a beautiful ornamental stripe was located along the edges of the scarf, it was done with multi-colored silks, gold and silver threads and pearls. All the outlines of the design were embroidered with silk of brownish-black shades, and inside the flowers and leaves were embroidered with bright, saturated silks of azure, crimson, green, softly shimmering in gold and silver. Additionally, the entire ornament was decorated with curly tendrils. The changes in social structure in the 19th century determined a new direction in the development of art and fashion.

Step 3
At all times of its existence, such a fashionable little thing as a handkerchief reflected the state of society, decorative arts and fashion. Thanks to the talent and skill of the embroiderers, a small piece of fabric often became an exquisite work of art.