Why Do You Need A Family Law

Why Do You Need A Family Law
Why Do You Need A Family Law

Family legislation provides all citizens with rights and obligations, and also regulates legal relations between spouses and children, thereby creating favorable conditions for their development.

Why do you need a family law
Why do you need a family law

Legislative basis of family law

The family, as a small unit of society, is constantly at risk. The specificity of this category lies in the union between spouses, characterized by a special trusting relationship, which is based on a strong spiritual and intimate connection. The family in the public sense symbolizes unity and loyalty, a community of interests and views. It also performs the main social functions - reproductive and educational. However, the family cannot develop in an isolated state. It is an open system with many connections, each member of which performs more than one social role.

The state assumes responsibility for the maintenance and development of every cell of society, through the established laws and the constitution. One of the main acts is the family code of the Russian Federation. It spells out the main provisions ensuring the protection of the rights of each individual in the new socio-economic conditions, and also provides guarantees for the implementation and protection of the family rights of citizens. The Code confers on parents certain rights that they have to fulfill in relation to each other and their own children.

The Family Law regulates relations between spouses by the norms of family law. There are two types of legal relationship: personal property and personal non-property. Each of the spouses can use the rights at their own discretion, since marriage does not limit the rights. Family rights are based on the basic principles, which are the equality of spouses in the family. The legislation states that outside interference in resolving family issues is unacceptable.

The rights of the child

The Code details the legal rights and responsibilities of children. They, in turn, are divided into personal and property. Every child has the right to live and educate in a family whenever possible. A minor recognized by law as fully capable before reaching the age of majority has the right to independently exercise his rights and obligations, including the right to defense.

In case of violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, including failure to fulfill parental responsibilities for upbringing, education, abuse of parental rights, the child has the right to apply to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, and upon reaching the age of fourteen, to the court.
