Which Finger Is The Wedding Ring On

Which Finger Is The Wedding Ring On
Which Finger Is The Wedding Ring On

An engagement ring is not only a decorative symbol and accessory, it is a kind of amulet that connects a man and a woman on a spiritual level. It should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand by married women and married men. There are many theories about this.

Which finger is the wedding ring on
Which finger is the wedding ring on

It has long been believed that there is only one vein in the fingers, which leads directly to the heart, located in the ring finger of the right hand. Love is a matter of the heart. Therefore, people who love each other, who want to walk the road of life together, after going through some procedures for securing a marriage, put wedding rings on each other's fingers, the veins of which lead directly to the heart of a loved one.

There is another theory that answers the question: "Why, when securing the marriage of two people who love each other, a wedding ring is put on the ring finger?" It has long been believed in China that each finger has its own meaning: little finger - children; nameless - beloved person, middle - yourself, index - brothers, sisters, big - parents. If you put your palms together so that all fingers, except the middle ones, touch the pads, the middle ones should touch the phalanges. If you try to separate them, then not everyone will be able to do this - the nameless will remain closed. The thing is that parents, brothers, sisters and children can leave, leave, but a loved one will always be there and never leave. If true love, nothing will force him to leave the one for whom he has the warmest feelings.

So, putting on a wedding ring on the ring finger, an invisible bond is formed between a man and a woman, which serves as a true guardian of their feelings. After the death of one of the spouses, the other becomes a widower or widow, then the marriage is officially considered terminated, dissolved. A widow or widower has every right to secure a new marriage, but some prefer to remain forever loyal to those who loved them with all their soul. You can count such people on one hand, mostly people "aged" - retirees who believe that soon they will be next to their loved ones, you just need to wait a little. They do not take off the ring that a loved one once put on their ring finger of their right hand. But where does the spouse's ring go? A woman can put it on the ring finger of her left hand so that her beloved is always there.

To summarize, the conclusion is this: the wedding ring should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
