On Which Finger The "save And Save" Ring Is Worn

On Which Finger The "save And Save" Ring Is Worn
On Which Finger The "save And Save" Ring Is Worn

Among the various adornments, items related to religious traditions occupy a special place. They are credited with certain properties and capabilities, the ability to protect and protect their owners from troubles.


A ring designed to save and protect

The ring "Save and Save" is an original piece of jewelry related to the Orthodox Church tradition. This is not an ordinary piece of jewelry, it is believed that it serves as a talisman and protects its owner.

The ring is one of the most ancient jewelry used by people.

For several centuries, pilgrims could purchase such rings exclusively on the territory of monasteries, and only in the 19th century they began to be sold in icon shops and jewelry stores. Over time, rings began to be made more refined, not only silver, but also gold, and even decorated with precious stones. The traditional design of the ring looks quite simple - the inscription "Save and Preserve" is inscribed on its rim in Old Slavonic script. There are rings with an inscription inside the ring, they are preferred by those who do not want to draw attention to their religious beliefs.

If you decide to purchase such a ring, determine for what purpose you are doing it. Those wishing to have a strong protective amulet should choose a simple silver item. Silver has long been considered a metal that protects against envious words and hostile looks. If you would like to have an attractive piece of jewelry, you can find a more expensive option in a jewelry store, made of gold or platinum.

How to wear a ring correctly

Opinions about which finger to wear the ring on and how to choose it correctly are very different.

In ancient times, the so-called "language of rings" arose, and it existed until the beginning of the twentieth century.

There is no definite answer to this question. But there are some rules to help you make a decision. Representatives of the Orthodox Church give some recommendations in this regard. Some say that such a ring can be worn on any finger, while others insist on wearing the ring on one of those fingers with which it is customary to baptize - the index, middle or large. It is believed that such a ring should not be worn on the ring finger, on which the wedding ring is usually worn. If a person is not tied by the knot of marriage, he can wear such a ring on his ring finger, but only on the condition that he has passed the rite of baptism and is an Orthodox Christian.

Ring "Save and Preserve" is really capable of supporting its owner and helping him in various matters and endeavors. Since the hands with the ring are constantly in sight, in difficult moments of life it can serve as a kind of mentor, remind that everything is in the hands of God, and in any, even the most difficult, situation, it is necessary to maintain faith and continue on your way.
