Toddlers are very fond of watching cartoons, but parents must carefully choose what to show their children. After all, not all cartoons are kind and instructive.

Step 1
Probably one of the best children's cartoons, according to ratings, is the animated series Masha and the Bear. He tells his little viewers a story about little Masha, who has a complex character. This girl does not like to obey her elders, she constantly gets into some kind of trouble and brings a lot of trouble and difficulties to her forest friends, making riots in just a couple of minutes. She has a friend, Bear, who takes care of a naughty little girl and tries to become an example for her. This animated series is popular not only because of its funny humorous plot. It differs in that the main character Masha is a stereotype of a real little child. The creators of this picture did a great job. On the face of the baby, you can read any emotions and mood, which changes so quickly in children.
Step 2
Another amazing cartoon that won the hearts of not only children, but also adults, is called "Madagascar". The animals are pretty tired of the boring life in the zoo. Every day is like the previous one. But everything changes when Marty's zebra meets a rogue company of penguins and decides to escape from the cage, going outside the zoo. Real adventures await funny animals when Marty's friends - Alex the lion, Melman the giraffe and Gloria the hippopotamus - are going to save their friend and return him to his usual home.
Step 3
Not so long ago, the cartoon "Well, wait!" Was banned in Russia, but this ban did not make it less popular. This is a series of very interesting and funny stories from the life of the Wolf and the Hare, who constantly fought with each other and found themselves in funny and ridiculous situations.
Step 4
Balto is another interesting story created especially for young viewers. The events of this cartoon are set in Alaska. The main character of the picture - Balto does not know where he was born, and the mixed blood of a wolf and a husky flows in his veins. Everyone around him turns away from him, and only a few loyal and devoted friends remain nearby - the bears Lak and Mack, as well as Jenna's husky. The life of friends begins to change dramatically when a human settlement is faced with an infectious disease. Balto faces a difficult task: by all means, he urgently needs to find a team of medicines to save human children.
Step 5
If you go back to the animated series, you can recall another picture created by Russian animators, which is called "Luntik". This is a story about a funny baby who was born on the moon and miraculously came to Earth. He gets to know the local inhabitants of the animal world and makes friends. This cartoon is not only interesting but also very instructive. Each episode carries new knowledge and tells kids about what a name is, who friends are and a lot of useful information.