What Is The Most Common Name For Boys?

What Is The Most Common Name For Boys?
What Is The Most Common Name For Boys?

Long before the baby is born, parents begin to choose a name for him. And the choice is based not only on the meaning of the name, but also on its popularity, consonance with the surname and many other parameters and qualities.

Boy and his name
Boy and his name

Since ancient times, male names, however, like female names, were of a magical nature. A man is the successor of the family, the hope and support of the family, its protector and breadwinner. The correct choice of a name affects his character, success and even fate, serves as a kind of amulet, presented by his parents, throughout his life. There are even scientific works on how to choose the right male name, statistical surveys and studies are conducted on how boys are most often called. But fashion trends also leave their mark on the choice of a name, and many parents prefer the most popular options at the moment.

Most popular boy names

The most popular male name in recent years, according to the registry offices registering newborns, has become the name Matvey, this is how boys are most often called. Child psychologists claim that this name contributes to the manifestation of such character traits as perseverance, honesty and complaisance, that is, the absence of whims.

Artem takes the second place in the rating. Men with this name, as a rule, are sociable, achieve great success in career growth, are sociable and hardworking.

The third place in popularity among male names is occupied by Maxim - a great dreamer and merry fellow, the soul of the company with unsurpassed organizational skills.

In fourth place is Arseny. Boys with such a name only seem calm and undemanding in appearance, in fact, they are very stubborn and always achieve what they want, but they, as a rule, are not cocky and capricious.

Fifth place is taken by Dmitry. They are stubborn, headstrong, but very sociable and easily learn even the most complex sciences, are unusually popular with girls and are attached to their parents.

How to choose a name for a boy

Of course, you cannot rely only on how acquaintances, neighbors or friends most often call newborn boys. First of all, you need to understand whether the name will be consonant with the patronymic and surname. Ridiculous and difficult to pronounce combinations will bring discomfort, first of all, to their owner, at school age they can become the subject of ridicule, which contributes to the development of shyness, self-doubt, isolation and even excessive aggressiveness of the child.

In addition, it has been proven in practice that the compliance of the name with the church calendar brings good luck and success. Therefore, when choosing a name for a newborn, you should pay attention to this option.

Many people try to choose a name for their child in accordance with the rules of numerology and astrology, this method of choice is also worthy of attention. These sciences have already ceased to be chimeric and have a lot of evidence of their consistency.

But the main thing that you still need to rely on is common sense. You should say the chosen name out loud, consider all its affectionate and strict options, consonance with the last name and patronymic. In addition, it is important to understand that sooner or later the boy will become a dad, and his children will wear a patronymic corresponding to his name, and it should also be easy to pronounce and euphonious.