End Of The World: Common Versions

End Of The World: Common Versions
End Of The World: Common Versions

Almost every year, the end of the world is predicted to mankind. The apocalypse could come at any moment. Scientists from all over the world claim that the existence of life on Earth is under constant threat. Many versions are put forward, among which there are many completely fantastic options for the possible development of events leading to the end of the existence of all mankind.

End of the world: common versions
End of the world: common versions

Collision with a giant asteroid


Almost the most popular version of the possible end of the world was the possibility of a collision of the planet Earth with some large meteorite, which will no longer leave a chance for humanity to continue to exist. Everything will have to happen very unexpectedly. If a celestial body falls into the ocean, then a huge funnel will form at the place of its fall, from which a tsunami will go in different directions. A giant wave will circle the entire planet for half an hour, and then the funnel will close, which will cause the second deadly wave to appear. A great flood will begin on Earth. A similar catastrophe has already been described in the Bible, however, this time it is not known whether an ark will be built that will save "a pair of each creature".

glacial period


Melting ice in Antarctica can lead to a tectonic fracture of the earth's surface at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. This giant rift will have to rush the waters of the ocean, which, in contact with the hot mantle of the Earth, form the release of a huge cloud of steam into the atmosphere. A whole series of earthquakes will begin, which will cause numerous tsunamis. Due to the formation of a huge amount of water vapor, the Sun will no longer be able to warm the Earth. The clouds will become very thick and will block the sun's rays. In general, the Earth will freeze, as it already happened many years ago. A new ice age will begin.

Deadly human-made virus


Currently, humanity lives in the era of the development of genetic engineering. The population massively eats genetically modified foods. It is not known what consequences this may lead to. It is possible that there will be a mutation of some species of insects that feed on the leaves and fruits of plants altered at the genetic level. As a result, the natural balance on Earth can be irretrievably disturbed and then no one will be lucky enough to be saved.

Human factor


A major man-made disaster similar to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant may occur in the world. In this terrible accident, negligence inherent in almost all of humanity played an important role. If some man-made catastrophe occurs in an earthquake-prone area, then it is possible that there will be a change in the planet's rotation speed and even a change in the Earth's magnetic poles, which humanity simply cannot survive.

Global war


Nuclear weapons in the arsenals of nuclear powers leave the entire world in a state of constant fear. One careless move, a computer glitch, or a careless word from a politician, and the entire earth's surface will be covered with deadly mushrooms.

Alien invasion


A fantastic version, which has also become widespread thanks to the numerous works of science fiction writers and Hollywood films, where humanity does not bode well from meeting the inhabitants of other planets. Archaeologists are constantly finding ancient finds indicating that the Earth has been repeatedly visited by aliens. Maybe soon aliens will return to Earth and destroy our civilization.

Extinction of species


Even Albert Einstein warned people that if bees die out on Earth, humanity will have no more than four years to live. It so happened that the overwhelming majority of plants are pollinated by bees. The disappearance of these honey insects threatens people with hunger and a deep economic crisis. Meanwhile, since 2006, there has been a massive mysterious extinction of bees on earth.

Flare in the sun


In recent years, scientists have observed increased solar activity. If a large flare occurs on the Sun, it will reach the Earth within 11 minutes, destroying all life on the planet. Literally in a matter of minutes, the entire ozone layer of the Earth will be destroyed and civilization will perish. Deadly gamma rays will turn the earth into a lifeless piece of stone.