How To Write A Research Plan

How To Write A Research Plan
How To Write A Research Plan

Table of contents:


Research planning is necessary to determine its organizational characteristics, calculate the necessary funds, allocate resources and establish control methods. The plan itself is nothing more than a sequence of activities that solve the goal set for the researchers. However, not every problem is solved by sequentially performing each of the stages. Therefore, the research plan should also provide methods for solving emerging problems.

How to write a research plan
How to write a research plan


Step 1

The preparation of a research plan begins with the choice of a methodology for collecting baseline data. The choice of technique depends on what kind of research is planned to be carried out. If this is a sociological or psychological study, then the information is obtained by a survey method. In this case, the planning of the study will, first of all, imply the method of interviewing, as well as the preparation of questionnaires and questionnaires.

Research in the basic and applied sciences is usually carried out according to proven templates, which can be found in the guidelines of research institutes. Any specific research in these areas strongly depends on the goals and equipment used, as well as on the peculiarities of the methodology of each of the sciences.

Step 2

After choosing a data collection method, they begin to develop questions for the questionnaires. This does not apply to the planning of scientific research, where non-social processes are investigated, and in the humanities, most experiments are carried out in this way. The algorithm for composing questions for such a study looks like this:

1. Determination of the objectives of the survey.

2. Development of questions, the answers to which can become the object of analysis.

3. Control of selected questions, their assessment, testing in representative focus groups and agreement with the research client.

The selected questions are then entered into a questionnaire, and the questionnaire usually consists of three parts:

1. Introduction - questions related to attracting and retaining attention, creating interest among respondents in the survey.

2. The requisite part - the date of the survey, its time, information about the respondent.

3. The main part, when planning which you should pay attention to the number of questions, their sequence. In addition, the presence of security questions should be provided.

Step 3

To answer the question of how to correctly draw up a research plan, one should proceed from the statement that its main goal is to solve the tasks assigned to the organizers. You should make sure of this even during planning, namely, at the stage of analyzing the data obtained.

Survey data is raw and unprocessed and needs to be analyzed. In this regard, they must be presented in matrix form - entered in special tables indicating the types of responses and the frequency of each of them. Then a statistical analysis is carried out - averages, correlation and regression ratios are determined, and trends that have emerged are noted. The organization of data analysis activities should be fully spelled out in the plan.

Step 4

The final stage of planning and organizing the study is the drawing up of conclusions and recommendations. Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to determine in what form the results will be presented. Conclusions are written only on the basis of the results of the research, and in the preparation of recommendations, knowledge that is outside the scope of the research can be used.
