How To Plan To Keep Up With Everything

How To Plan To Keep Up With Everything
How To Plan To Keep Up With Everything

Time is one of the most valuable irreplaceable resources of our life. And along with this, the art of taming time is the most difficult. But having learned to manage it, and first of all - to distribute it correctly, you will be able to do several times more.

Only spend time on what you really need
Only spend time on what you really need

Visualize and prioritize

One of the fundamental foundations of time planning is its visualization. Whatever phenomenal memory you have, it's impossible to remember everything. Therefore, choose for yourself the most optimal way of recording upcoming tasks: a diary, a notebook, separate album sheets, electronic planners.

List cases in order of priority. Try to complete the most urgent, difficult, unpleasant tasks at the beginning of the day. At this time, the level of concentration, composure and performance of a person is highest. You will spend less time on a labor-intensive task and you will be relieved to realize that the most difficult is already over, and besides, you will be happy to continue your work day, performing lighter tasks.

Realistically assess your strength

In addition to describing the task, include a realistic time frame to complete the task. By driving yourself into an unrealistic framework, you will not only fail to complete the intended task, but also shift the deadlines for the completion of all the others. It is better to take time with a margin, but be on time, than to live in an emergency mode.

One of the features of our life is that it always does not happen the way we imagine. Therefore, planning is worth only 60% of the available time, and leave the remaining 40% in reserve, so to speak for "unforeseen expenses."

Remember that you are not a robot and you need to rest. And it also needs to fit into your daily routine. After every hour and a half of strenuous work, take five minutes to collect your thoughts, distract yourself, warm up, etc. Take a full lunch break. At this time, it is better to change the environment - go outside, move away from the computer, lie down and let yourself relax. By observing your work and rest routine, you will be able to work with the greatest productivity throughout the day.

Separate complex tasks and get rid of unnecessary tasks

Divide your time planning into long-term and current ones. In the long term, describe your plans for the next week, month, year. Plan your day based on global challenges. Large cases should be broken down into smaller sub-tasks. So you will know exactly how to achieve this or that goal, what you need to do for this, and when you will implement it.

The hardest part of planning is getting rid of the time wasters. Gather all your will into a fist and say a resolute "no" during working hours to social networking, looking at photos on the Internet, talking on the phone, etc. All this is after work.
