Onyx Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Onyx Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Onyx Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Onyx is a stone that captivates with its appearance and unique properties. At all times it was considered an unusual, mystical mineral. With his help, they protected themselves from damage, were treated and achieved success. But the crystal did not help everyone.

Onyx stone
Onyx stone

In ancient times, onyx was used in rituals. They were used to decorate sanctuaries. They made dishes and various figurines from it. The stone was highly valued.

In ancient Greece, onyx was associated with Aphrodite. People believed that the stone was the petrified nails of the goddess that were cut off by Eros. The mineral personified love.

The Aztecs used the gem in the construction of houses. In this case, the crystal was used as the main material. Sometimes houses were built only from onyx. The Aztecs decorated with stones and temples. Vessels were made of the mineral, which were used during sacrifices.

Today, onyx is often used as a decorative element.

The healing properties of onyx

The use of the stone in healing began almost immediately after its discovery. It has the following properties.

  1. Helps cope with nervous disorders. Lithotherapists believe that onyx draws apathy and anxiety from its owner. Thanks to the stone, you can forget about depression.
  2. Helps cope with heart disease.
  3. Cleans the skin, recovers from cuts and injuries.
  4. Helps relieve headaches and migraines.
  5. Lithotherapists believe that onyx will help slow the growth of cancerous tumors.
The healing properties of onyx
The healing properties of onyx

Naturally, the mineral is not able to cure on its own. It only enhances the effect of medical procedures. At the present stage, it is used in one piece. However, in the ancient years, a powder was made from onyx, which was sprinkled on wounds.

The magical properties of onyx

  1. Onyx is capable of sobering thoughts. With the help of the mineral, the concentration is increased.
  2. The stone makes its owner more decisive and confident. Increases willpower.
  3. The gem destroys fear and suspiciousness.
  4. With the help of the mineral, you can curb your character, become more calm and judicious.
  5. Onyx attracts good luck into the life of its owner.
  6. Helps improve diction and develop eloquence. For this, a pebble should be placed under the tongue.
  7. Protects the onyx of its owner from accidents and betrayal by loved ones.
  8. The stone will help the elderly find peace.
  9. Helps to cope with financial problems.

Who is onyx suitable for?

Astrologers believe that not everyone can wear the stone. He's very picky. He needs to get used to his owner first. Only then will the gem begin to be useful.

Ideally, the stone is suitable for Aries. With its help, they will learn to manage their energy and achieve their goals, realize desires.

The mineral will benefit Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. With the help of a stone, representatives of these zodiac signs will be able to cope with procrastination. They will take action and be successful. In addition, the mineral will help them become more independent.

Virgo stone will increase decisiveness. He will relieve them of suspiciousness, anxiety. Thanks to the mineral, representatives of this sign will become more open and friendly.

It is not recommended to wear the mineral for Gemini. Onyx is suitable for the rest of the signs only as a decoration.