Levi Miller is a young Australian actor who has managed to gain popularity with viewers around the world. The role of Peter Pan is not his only success, the boy performed on stage from an early age and managed to play roles not only in children's films, but also in musicals and short dramas.

The boy who plays Peter Pan on screen gets the greatest chance of his life. Not everyone is able to use it; many children, after their first role, leave the world of cinema. For Levi Miller, Peng's Journey to Neverland was another milestone on the road to becoming a serious professional actor. While the teenager is too young to take stock.

Childhood in Australia
Levi Miller is a millennial born on September 30, 2002 in Brisbane. He first appeared on stage dressed as Peter Pan in a small Australian theater. The boy performed from the age of 5, and for this role he even received a special award. His partners on the set have many times noted his good manners, politeness and courtesy. A real gentleman, however, the boy gets used to the role of hooligans and tomboy very well. Despite the fact that the boy became famous early, he behaves modestly, and his brothers and sisters willingly come to support him on the set.
Levi Miller has an ordinary family - parents, brothers and sisters, whom he loves very much. Star status hasn't changed his character too much. He grew up as a calm and balanced child, but he was always distinguished by the desire to become an actor. Miller was lucky - he was surrounded by a friendly environment, and one of his friends later even became a partner in a film about Peter Pan. This is Lewis McDougall, with whom they are still friends. While the actor's biography is limited to participation in several films. The urgent task at the moment is to get an education. Levy made his choice of profession at the age of 5.

Roles and films
In 2010, Levi Miller got a role in the short film Akiva. It is a drama based on the history of the Holocaust in Poland in the 1930s. The boy was 8 years old at that moment and he coped well with the role of the main character Tram in his childhood. Levy played his first role on the big screen in the musical "In the Rhythm of the Heart", then there were shooting in several episodes in the TV series "Terra Nova". Despite the fact that this project was filmed in Australia, it is also familiar to domestic viewers.
Then there was the shooting in the movie Great Adventures in 2012. His most significant early career was Carter Grant from the 2015 Supergirl series. In this capacity, the American viewer recognized him, since the series was filmed by Warner Bros.

Levi Miller - Peter Pan
The film "Peng: Journey to Neverland" brought the Australian film the greatest fame and significant success in his career. The role of Peter Pan was already somewhat familiar to Levi Miller, but he was not chosen for this reason. The boy went through a two-stage casting on a par with other applicants and was able to prove that he could cope with the task better than other young actors.
The film was released in 2015. This is not an accurate presentation of the plot of a well-known children's book, but rather free discourse on the themes of childhood and growing up. The heroes are moved almost 50 years later during the Second World War. The story turned out to be dynamic and vivid, with amazing artistic effects and unexpected new characters. The plot contains references to many Hollywood stories - from pirates of the Caribbean to Mary Poppins.

According to the plot, Peter is brought up by nuns who planted him at the most tender age. During one of the bombings of the English shelter where he grew up, the boy finds himself in the fantasy world of Neverland, where the action of the film takes place. All that the new Peter Pan knows about his parents, he learned from a short note from his mother, kept by one of the nuns. It contained the promise of a meeting, a boy who did not want to grow up went to the bark.
Pirates, sea battles, the villain Blackbeard played by Hugh Jackman stood in his way. The Hollywood star later recalled working with his 13-year-old colleague with great warmth and sincere approval. During the filming, Levi Miller grew by almost 20 cm. This made changes to the filming plan more than once - it was necessary to change the size of the window through which Peter Pan gets into the bedroom of Wendy and the children. The success of the film was predictable. Levi Miller was fortunate enough to star with Joe Wright, who has worked on masterpieces such as Pride and Prejudice, Atonement and gain experience from serious and experienced colleagues on the set. This is Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara.

Red Dog: The Most Loyal
Another successful project in the career of aspiring actor Levi Miller was the film "The Red Dog: The Most Faithful." The sequel to the 2011 story was filmed in 2016 by director Crooked Stenders. This is a family adventure film, rare in the level of connotation for modern Hollywood. It says a lot about loyalty and devotion, about the continuity of generations. In the film, Levy again played the main character in his childhood. The story turned out to be very light and warm, rather lyrical than adventurous. There are almost no computer special effects in the tape.

Wrinkle in Time
Levi Miller starred in A Wrinkle in Time in 2018. This is a work of the Walt Disney studio, also a family film, but not a retrospective of the last century, but a look into the future. There is a lot of fantasy in the picture, a trip in space, there is a detective line and a lot of special effects, computer graphics and action. By this time, Levi Miller took part in the filming of almost a dozen different projects, including 7 films. The family supports the boy, but does not limit his choice only to an acting career.

Filmography by Levi Miller
2010 - Akiva
2011 - "In the rhythm of the heart"
2012 - Great Adventures (not translated into Russian)
2015 - Peng: Journey to Neverland
2016 - "Look around"
2016 - "Red Dog: The Most Loyal"
2018 - "A Wrinkle in Time"