Almost every Wednesday and Friday of the year is fast days for an Orthodox Christian. However, during the last week before Easter (Holy Week), these days are given even greater importance. They are not only symbolic, but reflect the Church's memories of great biblical events.

Holy Great Passionate Wednesday is a special day in the church calendar for an Orthodox person. The Christian Church remembers on this day the betrayal of Christ by Judas. On this day, believers try to strictly observe fasting, participate in several services.
The Gospels tell that on Wednesday Judas decided to betray Jesus Christ. The wicked disciple of the Savior planned to profit from betrayal. That is why he turned to Jewish lawyers and Pharisees with a proposal to give away the whereabouts of Jesus. For the information provided, Judas asked for thirty pieces of silver. This amount was not very significant, it was difficult to buy a small plot of land with it. The Pharisees were delighted with this proposal and concluded a treaty.
The Holy Scripture of the New Testament tells that after the Last Supper (on the Thursday before the Jewish Passover) Christ and his apostles went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. The lawyers with the Pharisees also came there, as well as other Jewish people, notified of the whereabouts of Jesus. Judas gave a sign to the Pharisees, which consisted in the kiss of Christ. The one whom Judas kissed and was to be taken into custody. This person was Christ.
This is how Judas betrayed Christ. It was on Wednesday that the agreement was concluded, and the next day the Savior was already taken into custody.
The Orthodox Church remembers the day of betrayal (Passionate Wednesday) with special reverence. This is a time of a special prayer mood and asking for the forgiveness of sins from God for an Orthodox Christian.