Amazing Planet: Mystery Spot

Amazing Planet: Mystery Spot
Amazing Planet: Mystery Spot

One of the most amazing phenomena is gravity. It affects everything: houses, thanks to its influence, stand upright, objects fall down. However, sometimes nature does refute its own postulates. You don't need to go into space to see the anomaly with your own eyes. Such miracles happen in one area in the United States.

Amazing planet: Mystery Spot
Amazing planet: Mystery Spot

Mystery Spot is called a gravity funnel. The attraction is located in California, near the town of Santa Cruz. The amazing area does not exceed 50 m in diameter. It has become one of the favorite tourist attractions.

The place where gravity fails

As a tourist attraction, the Mystery Spot gained fame in 1941. The laws of gravity work differently here.

They say that the Indians were the first to learn about the unusual properties. Mysterious rituals were performed here by the warriors of the Oloni tribe. But it was George Prater who made the funnel famous.

A local businessman decided to build a summer house here. On the elephant of the hill, he chose the best place, acquired land and hired workers. From that moment mysticism began. No matter how many times the structure was altered, it turned out to be crooked.

Amazing planet: Mystery Spot
Amazing planet: Mystery Spot

The calculations were checked many times, but no errors were found. Years passed, and rumors about the amazing house spread throughout the area.

Contrary to the laws of physics

Those who arrived here change their usual ideas, because any objects are located at an incredible angle to the ground. The balls laid on an inclined surface move upward. Water flows in exactly the same direction. But the broomstick stands exactly without any support.

Even trees look unusual. They are bent in such a way that it is impossible to imagine. Neither animals nor birds live in these places, and people get dizzy. Tourists are not advised to take pets with them.

Amazing planet: Mystery Spot
Amazing planet: Mystery Spot

Electrical appliances in the Mystery Spot are not working. The compass needle constantly changes its direction. And the center of the anomaly is the hut of miracles. The walls of the building are inclined so that it seems that the building will collapse at any moment. The steps are located on the wall. You can walk on them without holding onto the railing.

There is a horizontal bar in the house itself. Only it is impossible to even hang on it, let alone pull up. In an incomprehensible way, the body is located at an acute angle. And when observing from different points, something incomprehensible happens with the growth of the people in the hut: it either increases, then decreases.

What is the reason

There were enough attempts to explain the incomprehensible phenomena. Moreover, scientists were not limited to a version of a natural anomaly, they also suggested the activities of aliens.

One of the most incredible theories says that the reason for this is the distortion of habitual perception due to the inhalation of special vapors released by the local soil. However, skeptics have their own version: the famous mystery is a cleverly invented and skillfully implemented idea of a site with visual effects.

Amazing planet: Mystery Spot
Amazing planet: Mystery Spot

However, most researchers are still inclined to believe that the cause of local miracles are gravitational anomalies with eddies of electromagnetic fields. It is believed that there are deposits of magnetic ore under the hill or nearby.
