Matrona Of Moscow - Predictions And Miracles

Matrona Of Moscow - Predictions And Miracles
Matrona Of Moscow - Predictions And Miracles

In winter and summer, on weekdays and weekends, the flow of pilgrims to the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, located in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow, does not dry out. You can treat miracles in different ways, but there is incontrovertible evidence that the blind Matrona "saw" much more than her contemporaries thought. 800x553 800x553

Unusual girl

Even before Matrona was born, her mother dreamed of a white dove without eyes. Later, the woman realized that this was a prediction about the birth of a blind child in the family. Matrona was born blind. When the girl began to grow up, she discovered the gift of healing people from diseases. The whole village in the Tula region, in which an amazing girl was born, flocked to the house of Matronusha, as she was affectionately called.

Soon the matured Matrona predicted the events that shook Russia. This is a revolution, a civil war. For several years she stubbornly asserted about the threat to Russia from the West. This prediction was unraveled only in 1941, when Nazi Germany unleashed blows on the Union.

An interesting fact is that Stalin during the Great Patriotic War repeatedly visited Matrona - at that time she was already living in Moscow. It is noteworthy that the Germans never made it to the capital. However, it was not only the leader of the peoples who entered the house of the soothsayer. People came to her for help and advice. Matrona's contemporaries recalled that when asked whether it was worth leaving Moscow in connection with the outbreak of the war, she answered negatively.

Shortly before her death, Matrona of Moscow prophesied about a change of leaders in power in the Soviet country, asserted that leaders would replace each other, leading the country to ruin.

It is interesting that Matrona made a prediction about herself. She said that after death she would be forgotten for several decades. However, later people will remember her and come to her. Evidence of this can be seen in the monastery near her icon, and in the Danilov cemetery, where the Russian soothsayer is buried. You can hear about the miracles performed by Matronushka in the line to her relics in the Intercession Monastery. They say that if the saint helped, heard the one asking, then you need to come to her again and thank her.

From oblivion to nationwide fame

After her death in 1952, Matrona and her predictions seemed to have been forgotten. Only in 1999 was Elder Matrona canonized, canonized. Now believers can pray to her icon.

Probably, there is no logical explanation, but after communicating with the blessed eldress, people in fact receive help in sorrows and relief in illnesses. Scientists cannot give an answer to what this is connected with.

Some of the predictions of Matrona Moskovskaya remain unsolved until now. In particular, this applies to her prophecy about the beginning of a "war without war", which will bring many troubles.