How To Write To Matrona Of Moscow

How To Write To Matrona Of Moscow
How To Write To Matrona Of Moscow

In the Intercession Monastery in Moscow, the relics of St. Matrona of Moscow are kept. Every day for many decades, a stream of people has been flowing here. Some of the newcomers are asking for health for themselves and their loved ones, some for help in finding the missing, some for patience and good for the entire human race.

St. Matrona Moscow
St. Matrona Moscow

Matrona was blind from birth. From early childhood, she helped people in sickness and sorrow, with good advice and tireless prayers. At the age of 17, the girl lost the ability to move independently, her legs were taken away. But even then she did not lose her faith in God and the kindness of people, and the flow of people asking increased every day. For everyone who came, Matrona had a kind word, advice and parting words: "Come to me and after my death, I will hear everyone, I will help everyone, I will tell the Lord our God about everyone." At a more mature age, Matrona lived in Moscow, she was not always well fed, she never thought about wealth, but she did not refuse to help anyone. After her death, she was canonized and became the Saint Matrona of Moscow. Many years have passed, but even now there are many testimonies that requests to her do not go unheeded, and after visiting the holy places associated with her name, people's lives change dramatically, illnesses and everyday difficulties recede, family relations are improving.

How to ask for help from Matrona of Moscow

It is believed that it is necessary to ask for help from the eldress where her foot has stepped, her relics are stored, that is, to make a pilgrimage, in church language, to holy places. But the asking will be heard wherever he is. You can visit the nearest church, you can pray at home, or send a note to Matrona with someone who is going to go to her relics or grave, if there is no way to do it yourself, or even write to her on one of the Christian sites. There are no strict rules on how to write a note to Matrona of Moscow. You can express your desires in a simple syllable, you can ask for help from the clergy from the church nearest to your home and they will give the text of the prayer to Matrona of Moscow. It is advisable to name the name of the one who is asking and for whom they are asking, so that the holy eldress would know about whom to speak to God in her prayers. The most important thing is that your request must be sincere and that you really want the best for the person you are asking for. You cannot write notes with wishes for evil, illness, with the content of reproaches and a description of your grievances. Even as a child, Matrona said that God gives trials only to those who are able to survive them.

Where are the places of pilgrimage to St. Matrona of Moscow

Notes for Matrona of Moscow are left in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow, where her relics are kept. Visits to the monastery to worship the relics are allowed from early morning and stop only after 10 pm. Many pilgrims visit the grave of the holy eldress, which is located at the Danilovskoye cemetery, and leave their notes there. The requests of those who send notes by mail to the address of the monastery (109147, Moscow, Taganskaya St., 58) will also be heard - the servants of the temple will lay a message to the relics, or to the email address of the Intercession Church
