Why Are These Deadly Sins Called?

Why Are These Deadly Sins Called?
Why Are These Deadly Sins Called?

The seven deadly sins are sometimes called biblical. In fact, they are not even mentioned in the Bible. The list of the seven deadly sins was compiled by the Catholic clergy and to this day raises many questions.

Hieronymus Bosch. "The Seven Deadly Sins"
Hieronymus Bosch. "The Seven Deadly Sins"

The expression "seven deadly sins" does not at all mean seven specific actions, which in themselves are the most serious sins. In fact, there can be much more such actions, and the number "seven" indicates only the conditional division of these sins into seven main groups.

How deadly sins differ from less serious ones

For the first time such a classification was proposed in 590 by St. Gregory the Great. Saint Theophan the Recluse wrote that mortal sin differs from less serious sin in that it takes away from a person his moral Christian life and alienates him from God. These sins are called mortal because the separation of the soul from God means the death of the soul. However, even one who has sinned with one of these sins, by repenting, can find salvation.

The seven deadly sins

The seven deadly sins are: pride, envy, gluttony, adultery, anger, greed, and despondency.

Pride presupposes self-righteousness and self-esteem. At the same time, falling into pride, a person separates himself first from the people around him, and then from God. One who is overly proud does not even need the admiration of others. He sees the source of happiness only in himself. However, pride does not bring joy. Gradually, it drains the human soul, making it incapable of sincere feeling.

Envy can push a person to the most terrible crimes, but even if this does not happen, the envious person will bring severe suffering, first of all, to himself. Even after death, envy will torment his soul, leaving no hope for its satisfaction.

Gluttony makes a person a slave to his own stomach. Food for him becomes the goal and meaning of life, and the spirit leaves him.

The sin of adultery includes not only adultery and other bodily sins, but also obscene pictures that a person cherishes in his imagination. Indulging in sin, a person assimilates himself to an animal and completely forgets about the soul.

Anger is a natural property of the human soul, invested in it to reject everything unworthy and sinful. However, this natural anger can turn into anger at the people around you, which arises for the smallest and most insignificant reasons. Unrighteous anger can lead a person to do the most terrible things - from swearing and insults to murder.

Selfishness is a painful, irresistible desire to possess numerous material benefits. It does not depend on whether a person already has them and he strives exclusively for their constant increase, or only day and night dreams of them. In any case, when all thoughts of a person are filled with dreams of material wealth, spiritual wealth loses its meaning for him.

Despondency makes a person constantly yearn for unfulfilled dreams, makes him unhappy and brings his soul to complete exhaustion.

Falling into one or several mortal sins, a person directs all the strength of his soul to gain earthly joys, instead of striving for heavenly joys. Thus, he deprives his soul of eternal life.