Elena Chernikova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Elena Chernikova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Elena Chernikova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Not every literate person can become a writer. Although there is nothing special in this case. The craft of writing requires perseverance and observation. That's all. Elena Chernikova speaks with restraint about her work. Readers and critics speak for it.

Elena Chernikova
Elena Chernikova

Starting conditions

The biography of Elena Vyacheslavovna Chernikova provides a detailed list of the specialties that she owns. She is primarily a writer. And then you can name the following hypostases: poet, prose writer, playwright, radio host, journalist, teacher. The girl was born on April 30, 1960. The family of the future author of textbooks for higher educational institutions lived in the famous city of Voronezh. The child grew and developed in the usual conditions at that time. Elena was being prepared for an independent life. Taught to keep the house in order, sew and cook meals.

The girl studied well at school. I managed to do homework and help my parents with the housework. She knew how to be friends with classmates. She took part in public life. Russian language and literature immediately became her favorite subjects. Love for reading was instilled in Elena from an early age. She read not only books that were at home, but also regularly visited the city library. It was here that the literary association operated. In this association, the work of novice writers was discussed.


Chernikova timidly tried to write poetry and short stories. But she was embarrassed to show them to someone. After attending several classes of a literary circle, she presented her texts to the court of those present. Much to her surprise, she liked the poems. Moreover, they were printed on the pages of the city newspaper. After that, Elena began to take her hobby more seriously. And when the time came, I decided to get a literary education.


The first steps

In 1977, Elena Chernikova received a certificate of maturity and passed a creative competition for admission to the Moscow Literary Institute. For five years, she diligently studied the basics of writing. Simultaneously with the learning process, she wrote poems, essays and other texts, which she published in periodicals. As a student, Elena regularly looked into the literary editorial office of the All-Union Radio, where she could record her poems on tape so that she could later hear them on the air.

After completing her studies at the Literary Institute, Chernikova worked on the radio for more than a year. The programs under her editorship were of great interest to the audience. The stories about historical events were accompanied by musical sketches composed by young composers. In programs about poetry, Elena tried to open the names of forgotten poets to the target audience and introduce novice poets. Layout programs that discussed the problems of modern youth.

In 1983, Chernikova was invited to the editorial office of the Moscow Literary newspaper. It was here that over the course of ten years she grew up and became a professional author and critic. Regular work on materials for the next issue shaped the journalist's own style. Any text is addressed to a specific audience. Fantastic sketches for teens will never be read by a person who has crossed the forty-year line. Elena saw that even mature journalists do not follow this rule.


Professional career

Possessing a tenacious memory, observation and analytical skills, Chernikova clearly saw free niches in the market for special knowledge. The explosive development of electronic technologies has significantly changed the situation in the information field. According to some experts, there are more journalists than news. In addition, the qualifications of the “writing fraternity” have significantly decreased. Elena Vyacheslavovna, as a person who had already developed her taste and sense of proportion, became simply unbearable to observe such processes.

To correct the current situation, she wrote a textbook "Fundamentals of the creative activity of a journalist." Of course, in principle, it is impossible to change the situation with one useful book. But Chernikova did not set herself such a task. As a person who systematically approaches each problem, she saw that the correction process would be long. For more than eight years she taught at the Modern Humanitarian Academy, giving lectures on the basics of journalism to the audience.

In recent years, Elena Vyacheslavovna Chernikova has been teaching at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. The intellectual community and government agencies appreciated her contribution to the development of the cultural space. In 2006, her chest was decorated with the medal "For Contribution to National Culture." Two years later, Chernikova became the owner of the medal "For Valiant Labor" and the Order "For the Height of Creative Achievements."


Essays on personal life

The creativity and administrative career of Elena Chernikova are inextricably linked with her personal life. The first poem of the poetess "Happiness" was published in a collective collection. The book went out of print when the author was barely fifteen years old. Journalism textbooks were written by a mature woman who went through all the stages of falling in love, building relationships, and then breaking up. Already in her student years, Elena experienced the joy of falling in love and the bitterness of betrayal.

The novel "The Golden Donkey" has gained great popularity among readers. It is interesting to note that the book is received by the readers ambiguously. Some admire the text immensely and call the donkey the most chaste book about love. Others vilify what the world stands for and call it heavy delirium. The sharpest controversy testifies to the fact that the author has raised a topical topic. For all the severity of the situation, the novel went through several editions and was translated into foreign languages.

The writer in her speeches to readers urges not to identify the author with a literary character. At the same time, Chernikova admits that her works are often based on personal emotions and experiences. Be that as it may, Chernikova's personal life is arranged. She has been legally married for a long time. Husband and wife belong to the same workshop. The husband positions himself as a poet and journalist. Have children. Grandchildren are growing up.