What Famous Animals Starred In Films

What Famous Animals Starred In Films
What Famous Animals Starred In Films

Hollywood actors are well-known and well-deserved. However, animal actors also played a significant role in cinema. Thanks to them, many popular films for the whole family have appeared.


Keiko the killer whale is the star of the movie "Free Willy"

The touching story of the friendship between the killer whale Willie and the boy Jesse caused a strong public reaction. The filmmakers have released two sequels and created the Wildlife Fund, which has raised millions in donations. Not the least role in such a reaction of the public was played by Keiko - the performer of the title role. Keiko himself was caught in 1979 off the coast of Iceland, lived in captivity for a long time and performed in an amusement park. 23 years after the capture, it was decided to release Keiko, but the animal could not adapt to a free life. After 4 years, Keiko died of pneumonia.

Ocean scientists were against Keiko being released. However, numerous animal advocates have secured the release of the killer whale.

Orangey is the most famous cat in cinema

The stray red cat, handpicked by the compassionate housewife Agnes Murray, became a real star of the cinema and even received two Patsy awards - a kind of Oscar for animals. Renowned for his belligerent personality and harsh appearance, Orange was selected for the lead role in Rubarb from among thousands of applications. This picture became a star for the cat, and after it he became very popular. Orangey has starred in horror films and others, as well as in many commercials and television shows. During his career, Orange has earned about $ 250,000.

Rin Tin Tin - the dog who received a star on the walk of fame

Rin Tin Tin Sheepdog was born in 1918 during the First World War. He miraculously survived the bombing in Lorraine and was picked up by the American military, Lee Duncan. The dog remained at the military headquarters and worked as a messenger. Even then, the dog's complaisance and quick-wittedness were noted. After the war, Duncan and Rin Tin Tin attended many exhibitions and competitions, where the intelligent dog was noticed by film producers. Thus began Rin Tin Tin's career, which lasted for about 10 years. The dog has starred in dozens of films, including "The Man from the River Hell", "Shadows of the North", "Clash of Wolves", "While London is Asleep", "The Hunter". Rin Tin Tin's own show was also broadcast on the radio. The dog was very popular, his image was printed on postcards and posters, comics with his participation were published, and Rin Tin Tin figurines were sold.

The Rin Tin Tin Museum was opened in Texas.

Until his death, the star dog lived with its first owner, Lee Duncan. Rin Tin Tin passed away at the age of 13 and was buried in France's first animal cemetery, which houses the graves of animal actors and royals' pets.
