What Is Justice

What Is Justice
What Is Justice

Every day a person, entering into direct or indirect interaction with other people, experiences many states, emotions and feelings. At the same time, an explicit or unconscious assessment is given to most events and situations. One of the criteria for such assessments is fairness. Anyone uses this criterion in their daily life, but few are able to clearly answer the question of what justice is.

What is justice
What is justice

Within the framework of modern philosophical concepts and theories, justice is quite unambiguously defined as a concept of the order of things, containing definitions and requirements for proper correspondences of ethical, moral, social and other essences. Such entities can be relations between specific people, groups of people, social classes, etc. These can be human deeds, their results and rewards for committed actions, as well as various orders, traditions, approaches, methods.

Reasonable and natural correspondence between entities and groups of entities (for example, between the measure of guilt and the severity of punishment, the amount of labor performed and payment for it) is called justice. Unreasonable, unbalanced conformity or lack of such conformity (impunity, social inequality, etc.) is perceived as injustice.

The concept of justice was identified, formed and described by ancient philosophers. Ancient Greek and ancient Eastern philosophy invests in it the deepest meaning, considering justice as a reflection of the fundamental principles and laws of the existence of the universe. Modern science partly confirms this. So, neurobiology identifies the parts of the brain that are directly responsible for the emergence of a sense of justice. Geneticists argue that justice is a product of human evolution, which is one of the factors of natural selection at the level of survival of ancient communities (tribes committed to the principles of a just existence received more dynamic development).

According to the philosophical interpretation of the concept of justice, it is customary to divide it into two types. A similar division was introduced by Aristotle and is still used today. Equal justice puts forward the requirement of equivalence of measures of entities that are objects of relations of equal individuals (for example, the equivalence of the value of an object of its real value, equivalence of payment for perfect work). Distributive justice declares the concept of a reasonable proportional distribution of material resources, goods, rights, etc. according to any objective criteria. This type of justice requires a regulator - an individual who does distribution.
