How To Find Justice For Noisy Neighbors

How To Find Justice For Noisy Neighbors
How To Find Justice For Noisy Neighbors

Many residents of high-rise buildings are familiar with the situation when they want peace and quiet, but the neighbors urgently needed to make repairs, listen to loud music or arrange noisy gatherings. It is prohibited by law to break the silence from eleven in the evening until seven in the morning. And if overly active neighbors invade your peace at this time, you can find justice on them.

How to find justice for noisy neighbors
How to find justice for noisy neighbors

First, try to talk to the perpetrators in a good way. Come to them and explain that their vigorous activity is interfering with you. And ask to make the music quieter or put off a punch or hammer until the morning. Adequate people will understand everything, apologize and let you rest in peace.

If the problem cannot be resolved peacefully, threaten to call the police. This usually works. Few people want a showdown with law enforcement agencies. Did not help? Then dial "102" or call your district police officer. In the meantime, write statements that the tenants of such and such an apartment are disturbing the peace and quiet. It is even better if the application is collective. Surely not only you are disturbed from sleeping, but also other neighbors. Police officers will have to make a remark and write out a fine for violators. And for systematic complaints, they can even be imprisoned for 15 days.

Do the neighbors continue to vandalize after that? Then file a claim in court. Demand compensation for moral damages from noisy neighbors. True, for this you will have to enlist the support of other residents of the house, who will be able to confirm that your defendants are actually making noise at the wrong time of the day. You will also need an act of exceeding the permissible noise level and a conclusion that the violent activities of your neighbors have caused you moral or material harm, for example, a certificate from a doctor that you began to suffer from migraines from nervous tension or from repair work in the apartment, plaster was sprinkled on top of you.

Even if the court does not scare the hyperactive neighbors, all that remains is to start major repairs in their apartment and make noise insulation. Today, with the help of various building materials, walls, floors and ceilings can be soundproofed. True, this will slightly reduce the area of / u200b / u200bthe rooms, but you will forget about restless neighbors forever.