Yaroslav Smelyakov: Short Biography

Yaroslav Smelyakov: Short Biography
Yaroslav Smelyakov: Short Biography

In the cohort of Soviet poets, good and different, Yaroslav Smelyakov takes his place of honor. His work is filled with inexhaustible love for the Motherland. He warmly and fervently talks about love and relationships between people during the construction of a new society.

Yaroslav Smelyakov
Yaroslav Smelyakov

Childhood and youth

It fell to the classics of Soviet poetry to live in an era of great changes. During that chronological period, the Soviet country was forming its unique appearance. And the processes of renewal painfully affected the fate of many people. Yaroslav Vasilievich Smelyakov was born on December 26, 1912 in a working class family. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Lutsk on the territory of present-day Ukraine. My father worked on the railroad. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children - Yarik grew up as the third child in the house.

From a young age, the future poet had to feel the ruthless breath of the surrounding reality. After the outbreak of the First World War, the family moved to Voronezh, to live with relatives. When Smelyakov was eleven years old, his father passed away. To get a decent profession, the boy was sent to Moscow, where his older brother lived and worked. After completing the seven-year period, he received a referral to the Printing Factory School. The young man was appointed as a typesetter's apprentice.


Creative activity

Communication with writers, critics and poets who constantly visited the printing house made an indelible impression on Smelyakov. Even as a child, he read a lot and tried to write poetry. Once in the creative environment, Yaroslav became interested in creativity with the maximalism characteristic of young men. He was actively engaged in the literary section at the editorial office of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The first collection of poems entitled "Work and Love" came to readers in 1932. It is interesting to note that the poet, being a typesetter in the printing house, personally prepared the brochure for publication.

In 1934 Smelyakov was arrested and sentenced to three years in labor camps. Freed, he returned to a peaceful life and literary labors. With the beginning of the war, the poet was mobilized into the army. He had to fight on the Karelian front, where he was captured. Liberation came only in 1944. Only four years later, Yaroslav Vasilyevich managed to return to Moscow. In the early 50s, on the denunciation of "friends-poets", he was convicted and sent to serve a term in the north, to the Komi Republic. And only after the 20th Congress of the CPSU Smelyakov managed to finally return home.

Recognition and privacy

Despite the severe trials, the poet's creative career was quite successful. His poems "Good girl Lida", "If I get sick", "Lyubka Feigelman" knew by heart many citizens of the country of the Soviets. For his contribution to the development of Soviet literature, Smelyakov was awarded three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor.

The poet's personal life did not take shape right away. Smelyakov was married twice. The second marriage with the translator Tatyana Streshneva turned out to be happy. But they did not live long. The poet died in November 1972. Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.
