Independence Day Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan

Independence Day Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan
Independence Day Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan

For 21 years the Republic of Uzbekistan celebrates the main holiday of the country - Independence Day on September 1. He was proclaimed on August 31, 1991 in Tashkent by the President of the Republic Islam Karimov.

Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The republic received formal independence with the collapse of the USSR in December 1991. The State Flag was approved on December 18 of the same year. In December 1992, a year after its publication, the adoption of the Constitution of Uzbekistan was formalized. Traditionally, on this day, President of the Republic Islam Karimov delivers a congratulatory speech, talks about the achievements and successes of a developing country, and shares plans for the future.

The ceremonial start of the holiday takes place in Tashkent on Independence Square. Symbolizing its peacefulness, the Republic of Uzbekistan, being the most powerful military power in Central Asia, celebrates its holiday not with a military parade, but with a magnificent festive concert. The concert is broadcast on national television. Various events are held in the National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi.

The population of the country, numbering more than a hundred nationalities, despite the differences in religion, social status, amicably celebrate this significant date. Buildings, squares and streets of the country are brightly decorated. National melodies are played, paying tribute to the cultural heritage of the Republic. Children's and youth groups also take part in the celebrations. Various competitions, exhibitions of works of folk craftsmen are held, fireworks are arranged, festive food is prepared according to national recipes.

During the years of independence, the Republic of Uzbekistan has achieved great achievements in the development of the economy and agriculture, construction and industry, medicine and education, transport, in the field of natural resource extraction, tourism, as well as in strengthening friendship and cooperation with the states of near and far abroad. Considerable efforts were directed to the development of children's sports, the creation of favorable conditions for women and the protection of motherhood. The rapid development of Uzbekistan is a testament to the enormous efforts and selfless labor of the Uzbek people.
