Andrey Pezhich: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Andrey Pezhich: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Andrey Pezhich: Biography, Career And Personal Life

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Andrey Pezhich is a famous transgender model. A young man with an unusual appearance of a blond fragile angel conquered the big catwalks and became a new "icon" in the fashion world. After the gender change, he continues to work under the name Andrea.

Andrey Pezhich: biography, career and personal life
Andrey Pezhich: biography, career and personal life


Andrey was born in 1991 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, namely in the city of Tuzla. His mother was a lawyer and his father worked as an economist. Due to the hostilities, the family was forced to emigrate from the country. In 1991 they moved to Australia.

In a new place, Andrei learned English, finished elementary school, and then entered Parkville University - a university in Melbourne.

Since childhood, the boy had an unusual pretty appearance. He experimented with looks, dyed his hair, put on makeup and tried on his mother's clothes.

At first, the young man wanted to become a historian, he was fond of the ideas of Marxism and even took part in meetings of the Socialist Equality Party.

However, fate has prepared for him stunning fame in the fashion world.


Back in his school years, the guy was advised to go into the modeling business. Pejic sent his photographs to the Chadwick Model Management modeling agency, or rather his Melnburg branch, and he was immediately offered a contract.

Andrey signed a contract and for several years studied modeling: fashion shows, posing in front of a camera and other nuances of the profession.

Thanks to his original appearance and high growth, the guy made his way to the catwalk models.

Pejic's appearance as a woman at Sydney Fashion Week in 2009 made a splash.

In 2010 Andrey signed a contract with the Storm agency. Then he began to receive many offers in Paris and Milan. As a result, after the first fashion show in a year, Pejic's career reached the heights of world fashion.

An unusual guy - an androgyne walked along the main fashion catwalks, worked with leading couturiers and starred for famous glossy magazines.

Pejic has repeatedly admitted in interviews that he himself did not expect such a quick and overwhelming success.

In 2011, at New York Fashion Week, Andrei presented five men's and four women's clothing collections. He has been in the top fifty top male models for several years.

At the show of the women's clothing collection from Jean-Paul Gaultier, Pejich appeared in a bride's outfit and became the official face of the brand.

In addition to working in the fashion industry, Andrei sometimes starred in music videos and TV shows.

Personal life

From childhood, Andrei was aware of his dissimilarity and understood that he needed to be born a girl. He very seriously studied the topic of gender reassignment and from the age of thirteen began to take special drugs to block age-related hormonal changes.

After earning enough money in the modeling business, Pejic underwent gender reassignment surgery. Since 2014 Andrey has officially become Andrea.

Andrea legalized her relationship with designer Durand Rembrandt. The wedding took place in Las Vegas at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. In the future, the couple plans to adopt or adopt a child.

To keep herself in shape, Andrea monitors her diet and devotes a lot of time to training, mainly cardio. She loves to have fun and often hangs out with friends.

Andrea currently works hard and is one of the best androgynous models in the fashion world.

Pejic also maintains his Instagram account, where he actively communicates with his fans and shares various interesting photos.
