Chekhre Nebahat: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Chekhre Nebahat: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Chekhre Nebahat: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Modern psychologists claim that cinema helps to overcome internal stress and anxiety. A good film should be like a good fairy tale. The fate of the actress Nebahat Chekhre also resembles a fairytale action.

Nebahat Chekhre
Nebahat Chekhre

Difficult childhood

The famous actress, model and singer Nebahat Chekhre was born on March 15, 1944 in an ordinary Turkish family. Parents lived in a small town on the Black Sea coast called Samsun. My father worked as a lawyer. The mother was engaged in housekeeping. As a child, she grew up in ordinary conditions, when it was necessary to help the elders and take care of the younger ones. The situation in the house became complicated after the sudden death of his father. The girl was then barely five years old.

To raise two children, the mother had to work hard and hard. From the seaside town, the family moved to Istanbul. Here my mother got married and life became easier. Although Nebahat could not easily forget her own father. There was tension in the relationship, but the food was of high quality, and the children had good clothes. The girl studied well at school. In communication with peers, she was modest and constrained, did not show initiative.

The path to the profession

Istanbul was originally considered one of the largest cultural centers in the world. It was in this city that the competition for the title "Miss Turkey" was regularly held. Nebahat was educated at the girls' school of arts when she saw the announcement of this competition. Having overcome all her complexes and "clamps" she fulfilled all the preconditions and made her way into the number of participants. I made my way and won first place. As is customary in the framework of such events, the newly-minted "miss" began to be invited to serious work.

At that time, the girl was barely fifteen years old, but she showed quite mature judgment and grasp. Nebahat signs a contract with a modeling agency. A period of intense rehearsals and special training begins for her. At the same time, she collaborates with advertising agencies. Her photographs appear on the covers of glossy magazines. Invitations to act in films became a natural development of this process.

Personal life plots

Nebahat played her first role in the film "Wild Rose". At that time, "rose" was only seventeen years old. The career of the young actress was developing successfully. Russian viewers saw her in the legendary TV series The Magnificent Century. For two decades, films with the participation of Nebahat Chekhre were released every year. In a detailed biography of the actress, all the projects that brought her fame are recorded.

Nebahat's personal life was unsuccessful. The actress got married twice. Twice husband and wife tried to create a home. Unfortunately, all efforts were in vain. Chekhre was unable to give birth to a child. The cause of the pathology remains unknown.