Chernobrovina Anastasia Andreevna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Chernobrovina Anastasia Andreevna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Chernobrovina Anastasia Andreevna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Chernobrovina Anastasia Andreevna is a popular Russian TV presenter and journalist. Since 2002 he has been broadcasting the morning program "Morning of Russia" on the TV channel "Russia 1". Thanks to her professionalism, dedication and bright appearance, Anastasia Chernobrovina has become one of the most successful TV presenters on Russian television. In her arsenal there are many awards and prizes, including a well-deserved victory in the nomination "Host of the morning program" "TEFI-2015".

Chernobrovina Anastasia
Chernobrovina Anastasia

Chernobrovina Anastasia Andreevna: biography

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born near Izhevsk, in the city of Glazov, on April 10, 1977. Anastasia's mother, at the time of the birth of her daughter, was 18 years old, and she did not maintain a relationship with the father of the child who was born. All childhood Anastasia lived with her grandmother, because the mother worked several jobs to provide for the family.

Special attention was paid to Anastasia's education. Thanks to the efforts of her grandmother, the girl studied well at school and loved to read. Even then, in Anastasia, a craving for journalism awoke, in her free time from studies she read poetry and recorded her voice on a dictaphone.

Chernobrovina Anastasia Andreevna: career


After leaving school, Anastasia Chernobrovina entered college at the Faculty of Psychology. But the craving for journalism and the desire to become a presenter instilled her on local television, where she worked for 3 years, combining her studies with the author's program.

In 1996, Anastasia moved from her hometown of Izhevsk to the capital and entered the Moscow Institute of Culture at the Faculty of Television Management. In 1998, the young and talented journalist, with bright reports, was noticed by the management of the TV-6 channel and offered her a job in the “Day by Day” program.


In 2002, Anastasia Chernobrovina began working on the Rossiya TV channel and became one of the leading morning television programs Good Morning. Thanks to the "All Mornings of the World" column, she has visited many countries and in early 2009 became the author of the "Alone on the Planet" program. The goal of the program is to show unusual places and sparsely populated corners of the planet, as well as take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy the pristine nature and communication with interesting people.


In 2010, for the documentary film Tiksi - the territory of permafrost, dedicated to the northern regions of Russia, the presenter received an honorary diploma from President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and was awarded a medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, II degree.


Currently, the presenter continues to host the Good Morning program on the Russia 1 TV channel.

Chernobrovina Anastasia Andreevna: personal life


Anastasia Chernobrovina does not advertise her personal life. According to the presenter, she is happily married and 100 percent satisfied with her life. In 2017, Anastasia left the Russia 1 TV channel for several months, the reason for this, as it turned out, was the birth of her son Artemy. This good news was announced live by Vladislav Zavyalov, a colleague of the host on the Good Morning TV show. The name of her husband Anastasia is still hiding.
