Aras Bulut Iynemli is not only a young and attractive, but also a very talented Turkish actor. At home, he has long been popular, especially among the fair sex. Domestic viewers, on the other hand, got acquainted with Aras in the fourth season of the series "The Magnificent Century"

Handsome Aras Bulut was born in Istanbul on August 25, 1990. The ancient capital gave Turkish cinema many unique and talented actors and actresses. Aras can also be attributed to this galaxy. The boy successfully finished school and entered the Istanbul Technical University. He chose the Faculty of Engineering and after graduating from the university received a diploma in aeronautical engineering. There are a lot of representatives of the creative intelligentsia in his family. Sister Aras is a famous singer, and his brother is a writer and screenwriter, author of many popular Turkish TV series.
Aras Ainemli's acting career
Since childhood, he was distinguished by his beautiful appearance, charm and charisma. The producers and agents of the film companies immediately noted him. Showing commercials for various Turkish brands was the young man's first acting job. At the age of 16, the young man received an interesting offer to star in one of the series of the popular and beloved Turkish audience of the series "Backstage Streets". Fame came to him a little later after filming in the TV series "How the time passes." Working in this picture helped Aras make a decision regarding his future career. Shooting in "As Time Goes by" brought Aras love from the audience and critical acclaim. He coped with the task of the producers and played the hero perfectly. After the series ceased to air on television, Aras was awarded the title of Best Actor in a Drama Series. This award from Antalya Televizyon Odulleri inspired the young man and drew the attention of producers of different genres. The role in the TV series "Mahmut and Meryem" was very important in the career of an aspiring actor. The young man was supposed to play in this TV novel the tender character of an Azerbaijani boy from a wealthy family. In the story, the hero of Aras is deeply in love with the daughter of a Christian monk. In ancient times, love relationships between people of different religions were almost impossible and very often ended tragically. The picture and the main character was very fond of the audience. After this picture, invitations to auditions fell on Aras like a cornucopia. Aras was invited to play roles in different genres, and he coped with the roles of romantic heroes and villains.
The finest hour in the life of an aspiring TV star was the role in the famous historical series "The Magnificent Age". The young man played the role of the son of Sultan Shehzade Bayezid. After the release of the series, the actor became popular in foreign countries.
Personal life of Aras Ainemli
The promising and very handsome Turkish actor has many fans, but his heart is still free. At this time, the closest people to the actor are his parents, brother and sister. The young man is not yet married. Although he believes that he will still meet the same strong love as his romantic heroes.
Interesting Facts About Aras Ainemli
Not all fans of the actor who liked him in the role of Shahzade Baezid know that the director invited Sultan Selim for this role first. But then another decision was made, and Aras played the role of the son of the Sultan. He did an excellent job with what was noted by both viewers and film critics. The actor had to gain weight, learn to ride a horse and fight with swords. The actor also read many history books before filming. The young man draws inspiration from music. "Batman" is the actor's favorite film, he watched it several times, and the picture still does not bore him.