What Are Ice Flowers

What Are Ice Flowers
What Are Ice Flowers

In the Arctic, ice flowers grow on the surface of a thin layer of ice. This is how scientists poetically named crystals, the height of which does not exceed several centimeters. There are several versions of the emergence of one of the most beautiful phenomena in the Arctic.

Ice flowers
Ice flowers

According to one of them, crystals are condensation of air supersaturated with moisture. Proponents of another method are sure that when salt water rises through ice pores, "miracle plants" appear. There is another version: global changes in the structure of the Arctic ice caused one of the most spectacular phenomena in life.

Causes of the phenomenon

All scientists agree on only one thing: crystals "grow" only on thin and fresh ice. The ice flowers were investigated by Robert Style and Gray Worster of the Institute for Theoretical Geophysics, University of Cambridge. The result was the conclusion that it was not involved in the formation of moisture and salt.

After numerous calculations and their checks in the laboratory, it turned out that the formations need not only the ice layer, but also a large temperature difference between it and the air. Its minimum value is 20 C. Hypothetically, the phenomenon can be observed in a fresh water body.

Ice flowers
Ice flowers

The transition of a liquid from a solid directly to a gaseous form can occur not only in the Arctic. In calm weather, if the temperature on the ice surface is zero, outside below -20 C, a layer oversaturated with moisture forms.


When it comes into contact with cool air, a sharp cooling begins with re-condensation on the surface. As a result, crystals appear on the ice. After some time, salt drops settle on them, so the moisture in the formed figures is saturated with salt higher than in the sea.

Professor Worster emphasized the fragility of ice flowers. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that with an increase in ice thickness, its surface temperature tends to air. As a result, nothing remains of the crystals.

Ice flowers
Ice flowers

An important role is played by the fact that the thickness of the layer oversaturated with moisture is not constant, since it depends on a huge number of factors.

Myths and reality

Based on a study by British scientists, it is likely to predict a spectacular phenomenon in advance. It is necessary to keep the education process under control. This is extremely important in the opinion of the researchers, since the data obtained confirm that the crystals are not as safe as they seem.

Ice flowers release many bromine compounds into the atmosphere. This negatively affects the state of the ozone layer. But scientists still cannot determine the degree of danger with high accuracy.

Ice flowers
Ice flowers

Currently, the Arctic is constantly increasing the amount of annual ice. Since the formation of crystalline ornaments is possible only on thin and young ice, the assumption about the danger needs a mandatory check to confirm or refute the hypothesis.
