Some critics and analysts consider the detective story a frivolous genre intended for a wide range of readers. Tatyana Vitalievna Ustinova became famous as an author working in this particular format.

Starting conditions
Regular polls of the reading audience in the CIS countries show that the name of the writer Tatyana Ustinova is known to almost every adult reader. Today, few people are fond of reading classic, moralizing and ceremonial novels. But many people do not forget to take a pocketbook with them on the road, with an exciting detective story. Over the past decades, the popularity of such books has grown exponentially. A lot of authors have appeared on the market who are trying to "catch the wave" and earn popularity for themselves without really straining. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous.
The future writer and television presenter was born on April 21, 1968 in a family of Soviet aviation engineers. Parents lived in the town of Kratovo near Moscow. Father, Vitaly Alekseevich Kuralesin, and mother, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kuralesina, worked at an aircraft building plant. Not surprisingly, only technical education was considered a decent education in the house. Tatiana, as an obedient daughter, after school entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. I entered, finished three courses and dropped out.

Literary creativity
Tatiana, despite the fact that she was born into a family of "techies", from an early age demonstrated rare humanitarian abilities. She learned to read early. And I didn't just read the works of the classics of Russian literature, but also remembered what I read very well. She studied well at school and became fluent in English. After Ustinova left the institute, she was invited to the second channel of Russian television as an interpreter and co-host of some programs. And in her free time from the main work, she wrote adventure stories and stories.
The first book published by Ustinova in 1999 was called "Personal Angel". Tatiana herself was sincerely surprised that the book had sold a huge circulation across the country in a short time. After such success, the leading publishing houses of the country began to conclude cooperation agreements with her. In particular, the Eksmo publishing house signed a contract with the writer for a long period. The author combines love stories with detective investigations in his works, and this approach resonates with the female part of the reading audience.
Recognition and privacy
Contrary to the traditions and expectations of a curious public, the writer's personal life has developed well. In 1990, Tatyana Kuralesina married Evgeny Ustinov, with whom she studied at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and changed her last name. They currently have two sons. My husband, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, is engaged in scientific and teaching activities.
Tatiana continues to write books, speak at meetings with readers and broadcast thematic programs on TV. A dozen and a half television films and series have been filmed based on Ustinova's works. The writer is full of creative plans.