How To Get Rid Of Everyone Around

How To Get Rid Of Everyone Around
How To Get Rid Of Everyone Around

Rarely, but it happens that you want to get rid of everyone around you. The easiest way is to go to a desert island. However, this is almost impossible to do, so you will have to get rid of the environment in other ways.

How to get rid of everyone around
How to get rid of everyone around

When you want to run away from everyone and hide, get rid of the annoying attention of others, then the best way is to make those around you just turn away from you. Why build trust with colleagues, friends, and family? They will begin to demand your help, they will look for support in you. And you do not need this in any case. If there is no way to run away from everyone, then you just need to get rid of them.

Give and Don't Keep Promises

Don't be afraid to make promises you don't intend to keep. You know for sure that you cannot get a star from the sky, and you won’t try. And if you can fulfill the promise in your power, then boldly make a promise - you are honestly going to fulfill it.

And when the promise has already been made, then do not rush to fulfill it. Keeping your word is no longer fashionable. And in general, why bother yourself if in a few days your actions will no longer benefit anyone.

Don't waste your time with other people. If you are busy with an important matter, for example, playing solitaire on the computer, then you should not be distracted by the requests of colleagues, and even more so by talking with them.

Pay no attention to others

It is best not to answer phone calls. If someone urgently needs you, he will find a way to contact you without a phone, for example, he will come himself. You can forget about promises to call back as soon as you hang up. And you don't need to call back the one whose call you missed. In addition, such a call will require a lot of effort from you.

You don't need to reply to emails and messages at all. There are many of them, the answers will take too much time, which can be spent with greater benefit.

If you have been invited somewhere, then you do not need to confirm or deny your consent to participate in the event, be it a friendly party or business negotiations. If they want to see you, then let them rejoice at your arrival.

Even if you can help a colleague, friend, or relative, never do it. In this way, you will devalue your time. Yes, and good is rarely answered with good.

You should not admit any mistakes, because this is the first step to defeat. Let the people around you seek a compromise, or even make concessions. In the event that everyone around you thinks you are irresponsible, then this is only their business, it does not concern you.

Lie constantly

You do not need to insist on your opinion surrounded by different people. There can be a lot of points of view, and they can be changed quickly and easily. You can say one thing, surrounded by colleagues in the smoking room, and another in the office. It's okay that you will be considered a hypocrite - it only plays into your hands.

Everyone lies, you shouldn't break away from the majority. Even if someone is considered honest, then they simply have never been caught lying. And this only means that he knows how to skillfully lie. So you need to gain experience.

The same applies to theft - everyone steals, only some have extensive experience in this matter, so they don't come across.

Never speak well of others, no one will appreciate it anyway. It is better to consider everyone as not very decent people in advance - less disappointment. And do not hide your attitude towards others.

If you behave in this way, then very soon the people around you will stop bothering you, and this is what you need. True, it will be much more difficult to regain the lost trust of others.
