How To Get Rid Of Homeless People Under The Window

How To Get Rid Of Homeless People Under The Window
How To Get Rid Of Homeless People Under The Window

Homeless people under the window create a lot of problems for residents - from an unpleasant smell to the fact that they leave behind the products of their unclean life. The problem is especially urgent in summer, when it is warm and a homeless person can sleep under any bush.

Near the entrance
Near the entrance

Problems and dangers posed by homeless people

These people can suddenly settle under any window. With their presence, an unpleasant smell immediately appears, which drags behind them in a train. Since lumpen are asocial personalities, for them there are no norms and rules of behavior in society, they can drink, scream and swear all night, interfering with sleep.

With their settlement in the bushes closest to the house, the danger of picking up some kind of dangerous disease increases, since such people are often sick with tuberculosis, scabies, and other infections, up to HIV. First of all, until you get rid of them, you need to take precautions. In addition to infectious, homeless people create a threatening criminal situation when the residents of the house are afraid to return home late at night.

How to get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood

Initially, many tenants have a desire to go out and kick homeless people in the neck to drive them out. But people do not do this for a simple reason: they are afraid of catching an infection. You can invite a district police officer, but you shouldn't pin too high hopes on his visit. All he can do is issue a warning and impose a fine on the homeless, which they will not pay anyway, since they have no money.

You can call a police squad, but they will probably refuse to take such a company, since they also do not want to deal with them. But they have the opportunity to take the marginalized to the police station and after that they can be placed there for 15 days for hooliganism. After serving, they will probably come back. Social services can be contacted to help the homeless get accommodated in the shelter.

When civilized methods fail, tenants can move on to another plan. Often such "neighbors" are beaten with improvised objects, there was even a wild case when a sleeping homeless person was doused with flammable liquids and set on fire. But it is better not to use such criminal methods, as you can end up behind bars.

There remains one more relatively legal method. Create unbearable conditions in the lumpen habitat. Remove from the den everything that they have stored there, if the grass has grown tall and hides their rookery, it must be mowed. To prevent homeless people from returning in the future, it is best to plant thorny bushes under the windows, among which it is uncomfortable to be. Rosehip, hawthorn, sea buckthorn are quite suitable, they have rather large thorns that will not allow hiding inside the thickets.