How To Get Rid Of The Army

How To Get Rid Of The Army
How To Get Rid Of The Army

Military service is the duty of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is what our constitution says. Of course, not everyone, but only men. And not every male representative is drafted into the army.

How to get rid of the army
How to get rid of the army

The army is not for everyone

In the days of the Soviet Union, almost all the boys were eager to serve in the army. Those who did not serve were treated with suspicion, sometimes even contempt. Times have changed and military service has ceased to be a prestigious phenomenon, especially in large cities. There are several reasons for this. And such problems as hazing and fanning these problems to the extent of hysteria in the media. This includes injustice. According to the law, everyone must serve, and the children of some officials are often "otmazyutsya" or serve only "on paper."

In general, someone eventually goes to serve, and someone is released. The whole question is who is exempted from service and how. It is worth remembering that young people between the ages of 18 and 27 are called up for military service. If, for some reason, the military registration and enlistment office ignored you until the age of 27 (as a result of confusion with documents, for example), you can safely go there for a military ID. But the situation is unlikely, so it should not be taken seriously.

They do not take the sick into the army. The truth is you need to prove yourself in the military registration and enlistment office that you are sick. So get information in advance so that the summons to the military registration and enlistment office does not catch you by surprise. The army needs strong and healthy young people. And patients with leprosy, tuberculosis, syphilis, oncology, obesity of the 3rd degree and many other diseases are not needed by the army and the navy. Sign up for an examination with the most diverse doctors, if you do not want to serve in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

Valuable personnel

The release (or extended delay) must be for valid reasons. For example, if you are going to university to become top-notch professionals and benefit your country in the future, then you certainly deserve a reprieve. Of course, at the time of study. That is, 5-6 years old (from 18 to 23-24 years old) you can calmly study and not think about the army. If you decide to seriously connect your life with science and go to graduate school, you can still get a reprieve for the duration of your studies. Postgraduate studies usually take 3 years. Of course, the form of study at the university and graduate school should be full-time. As a result of the successful activity of a young scientist, you defend your candidate dissertation and become a candidate of sciences. You can now be congratulated on the fact that you have become a valuable person for the state. Work for the good of the Fatherland. Candidates of science are exempt from military service in the army.

Another legal way to avoid conscript military service is to increase the population of Russia. Our country is large, but there are not enough people for such a territory. The state stimulates population growth in this way. Having two or more children (married, of course), you can also not serve in the army. Get married while you have a reprieve from your studies, have at least two children and calmly raise worthy citizens without fear of receiving a summons.