What Is A Global Predictor

What Is A Global Predictor
What Is A Global Predictor

The global predictor is a fairly young term that arose at the very end of the existence of the USSR. This term does not have a sole author, but was created by a group of specialists from the Concept of Public Safety movement.

What is a Global Predictor
What is a Global Predictor

The global predictor is a secret subject of world politics that influences practically all processes of modern planetary society. The term was first used in the book "Dead Water", published by activists of the KOB social movement led by the famous General Konstantin Petrov, the former head of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The collective of the public movement The concept of public safety calls itself the Internal predictor. This term originated in the late 80s of the 20th century, when the first articles about COB were published, in which the collapse of the USSR was predicted.

A global predictor is defined as a group of people who possess secret knowledge about the psyche of an individual, which helps them to successfully manage peoples and states for two millennia. The structure of the global predictor as a complex hierarchical system is quite fully described in the two-volume Dead Water, which is a kind of bible among students of secret societies and followers of the theory of the world conspiracy.

Global Predictor Target

The main goal of the global predictor is the unification of human feelings and needs through massive racial mixing, moral decay and the complete elimination of nation states as a fact. The forerunner of this plan, according to the COB, is the modern process of globalization, when mass labor migration caused by an artificial shortage of jobs in countries with a non-European population should cause the oppression of European ethnic groups and their complete disappearance as the leading creative force on the planet. According to the proponents of the global conspiracy theory, such measures are necessary to create a single world market without state borders, where all aspects of public life will be determined by transnational corporations and banking cartels. Supporters of the Concept of Public Safety define their task as the dissemination of knowledge about the psyche and the mental essence of a person in order to prevent the plans of the global predictor to destroy the modern appearance of the world for the sake of globalists. The most popular lectures on the global predictor are speeches by General Konstantin Petrov, which can be found on any popular video hosting site.

Global predictor outside of BER exercises

One way or another, all social movements against the secret world government have a concept of a global predictor. The definition of the BER fully coincides with the term "blood elite", the authorship of which belongs to the English conspiracy theorist David Icke.

For a very long time, the English media have exposed David Icke as a madman who considers the queen to be a reptilian. In fact, it was a careless joke, picked up by journalists and complicating the life of a publicist in the aftermath.

The power that rules the world for its own selfish ends is fairly well written in the book by John Coleman, The Committee of 300: Secrets of the World Government. In any case, in the Western society itself, it is customary to talk about the global predictor without hesitation, and 60% of Americans are sure that the world is under the control of secret societies.