From the 19th century to the early 20th century, the term "civilized world" was used. Now the concept of "world community" is used instead, since it was recognized as more politically correct.

The world community is a certain hypothetical community of citizens of all countries of the world, united in a united front in a common outburst of internationalism. The concept of "world community" is intended to reflect the common goals and activities of states coexisting in the world in the face of global problems of civilization. The world community is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all states. An example of the world community is the United Nations Organization (UN). The phrase "world community" is often used in works on political science, statesmen in their speeches and in the media. It is used to manipulate public opinion. This happens when a certain point of view is imposed on the recipient of the information under the definition of "the world community". Depending on the context, it can be used as a reference to international organizations that unite almost all countries in the world, for example, UNESCO. This concept is also used to indicate a group of countries united by political, economic, social and other characteristics. Often the "world community" is used as a rhetorical device to oppose one state and its policies to another or a group of other countries. The members of the world community can be states, public unions, structures, groups and religious associations, movements, economic and military alliances. Relations between members of the world community constitute a system of international relations, and they are their subjects. Currently, the world community has a multi-component structure, which includes many different regional associations. At the same time, a system of diverse ties between individual states and regional entities is developing and expanding.