Why Do People Sing At The Table

Why Do People Sing At The Table
Why Do People Sing At The Table

Sometimes it seems that singing together at the table is an occupation for the older generation. But it is not uncommon for very young people who come together to feel the need to sing something in chorus. Drinking singing is not just a tribute to tradition, it is an inner need arising from somewhere. Although few of those participating in this action seriously think about why and why he does it.

Why do people sing at the table
Why do people sing at the table

The tradition of singing during feasts has existed for a very long time among different peoples. Even such a genre as drinking songs stands out. True, now almost any song can become a drinking song that meets a number of conditions:

- it must be known to everyone or the overwhelming majority of the audience;

- she should have a clear and fairly simple melody to perform, which does not require exceptional vocal data.

We are together

It is known that joint activity brings people together, makes communication easier and more enjoyable. And what can you do during the feast?

Of course, first of all, a tasty meal. But here everyone is carried away by the contents of their plate and their own feelings. Of course, you can discuss the merits of food, give a compliment to the one who prepared them, but still, one meal is not enough for people gathered at the same table to have a sense of community.

As a rule, over time, the company breaks up into smaller groups, in which communication takes place. To prevent this from happening, various funny contests and games are held during the feast, which brings excitement to the company, unites those present, but, as a rule, such games require preliminary preparation.

Singing together is the easiest and easiest way to unite the audience. It's good if there is someone who can provide at least the simplest musical accompaniment for a guitar, accordion or other instrument. But even if there is no such possibility, it cannot serve as a serious hindrance - a capella singing also gives pleasure to the people gathered at the table.

Acapel singing - singing without musical accompaniment.

And yet, how does it "work"?

Why do people sing, and not recite, say, poems in chorus or do not lead a joint round dance (although this also happens)?

The fact is that during joint singing, the simplest and, at the same time, one of the most effective psychological adjustments occurs. While singing, people obey a single breathing rhythm, and psychologists have long known that breathing adjustment is one of the simplest and most effective ways to get closer to another, to feel his state of mind. Thus, even a simple breathing in one rhythm already allows a company gathered at one table to feel like a part of something whole, to be imbued with a general mood.

But during singing, not only breathing is even more important, but also the sound reproduced by the vocal cords of the singers. It is known that the human body is susceptible to vibrations, both external and those that are produced by the person himself. The voice is one of the simplest and most affordable tools for creating this vibration.

It is on this principle of vibration that the power of influence of mantras and prayers is based.

And, oddly enough, joint singing in this sense is not so different from joint prayer: the vocal cords of several people gathered together produce the same sounds at the same time. And thanks to this, people feel "on the same wavelength." In this case, this expression can be understood literally: they really create sound waves of the same frequency at the same time, and on a subconscious, bodily level, the singers feel this resonance.

Thus, people singing a song in chorus become closer to each other, it is easier for them to feel part of that spontaneously organized small community gathered at one table.
