What Are The Types Of Media

What Are The Types Of Media
What Are The Types Of Media

You can get the information you need today from several types of sources. Young people most often prefer the world wide web, where users mainly pay attention not so much to the news itself, as to the reviews of other people about it. The older generation of all mass media mostly chooses newspapers or radio in the old fashioned way.

Pack of newspapers and magazines
Pack of newspapers and magazines

Mass media, or abbreviated mass media, are subdivided into several directions. In the light of the presentation of information, there are commercial, federal or state, as well as independent media. In the area of information, there are thematic, political and entertainment media. But the most common classification of the media is based on the methods of delivering certain data to the population.

What does the press write?

The most ancient type of media is the newspaper. As we know it, the newspaper has existed since 1450, when the first printing press appeared. Before that, news records in ancient Rome were written on wooden tablets. In Russia in the sixteenth century, the first newspapers were written on paper by hand. And the first printed Russian newspaper was Vedomosti, published in 1702.

Today newspapers and magazines traditionally broadcast about political and economic events, news in the world of culture and sports, carry announcements and advertisements. The printed matter in the world of information is conducted both on thin gray newsprint and on expensive glossy coated paper. The latter is used by fashion magazines with a lot of illustrations.

TV and radio broadcasting

Radio was invented in Russia in 1895 by the Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov. Initially, it was used for scientific and military purposes. Gradually, with the proliferation of radio receivers everywhere, radio became one of the mass media.

Sound broadcasting of news, advertisements and music is now very popular because people can do something else while listening. Thanks to this, radio, which is almost completely ousted from homes by television broadcasting, has become widespread in public places, offices, transport, as well as in remote and technically unsettled areas.

The most popular media is television. A clear and prompt presentation of information, the choice of viewing time and the ability to record made this type of broadcasting unique and very convenient. TV became available to every family in our country at the end of the seventies of the last century. And since then, it has absorbed the attention of people so much that many, especially children, have developed a painful addiction to television. Some people can spend 8 hours a day watching TV.

The World Wide Web

Internet addiction is also recognized as a mental illness. The Internet is another type of media. Information is transmitted by text, sound or video through computers connected by satellite or local communication. The Internet appeared around the 80s of the last century and began to rapidly gain momentum in all countries. Now, thanks to technological progress, every schoolchild is familiar with the worldwide network. The disadvantages of the Internet are the lack of censorship and inaccurate information.