20% of Russians visit the theater every year and try not to miss premieres. And, of course, they know very well where tickets can be purchased. For those who are just going to visit the temple of art, the issue of purchasing tickets can be very acute. After all, it is far from always convenient to go to the box office to buy the coveted ticket.

Buying theater tickets is not always an easy task. It only seems that it is enough to come to the theater itself and take tickets at the box office. In fact, they may simply not be there. Dealers, intermediaries and other theatergoers buy up all tickets in advance. One for the purpose of choosing better places, the other for acquiring additional benefits.
However, all this does not mean at all that you will not be able to go to the desired show. You just need to know the options for buying tickets.
How to buy theater tickets
Naturally, no one canceled the purchase of tickets through the box office. You just need to worry about purchasing tickets in advance - after all, only 30% of tickets are sold at the very temple of Melpomene. So it will be possible to choose better places, and prices will be more democratic. The closer to the date of submission, the more expensive the options remain.
You can buy tickets in specialized pavilions, which are at many stops and in the city center. There they will cost a little more. But on the other hand, there will be several options available, from which you can choose the right one. In addition, such box offices offer tickets to several different theaters at once. Therefore, you do not have to run around the city in search of suitable documents to enter.
You can use various services on the Internet. There are quite a few of them today - parter.ru, concert.ru and many others. In order to buy a ticket to the theater on the Internet, you need to go to the site, choose a suitable performance, place, date. Next, you will be offered different payment options - by credit card, online payments, cash, etc. You can also pick up tickets in different ways, for example, order a courier delivery or choose a pickup. Self-pickup, as a rule, is carried out from the offices of partner companies, which are throughout the city. So you can always choose the option that suits you and you don't have to travel across the city to pick up your paid tickets.
Some theaters also have such a service as an Internet ocherel. In order to purchase a ticket for a performance you are interested in, you need to sign up in the network and wait. True, you should be prepared for the fact that in this way you will not be able to attend the performance soon. However, if the performance is rare and in demand, this may be the only chance to get on it. When the deadline comes and there are free tickets, the operator will call you and offer to redeem the coveted ticket.
What to consider when buying
It should be understood that if you are going to buy theater tickets at the last moment, they may not be in any of the options offered. Therefore, try to plan your trips to the theater in advance. Otherwise, you can wait a long time.
You can study the repertoire offered by the theaters on the Internet at the theaters' websites. This is necessary so that later at the box office you do not choose a painfully performance that would suit you, and not delay the line that will inevitably gather for you.