Marina Dyuzheva: Biography, Filmography And Personal Life

Marina Dyuzheva: Biography, Filmography And Personal Life
Marina Dyuzheva: Biography, Filmography And Personal Life

The actress Marina Dyuzheva is known to the Russian audience for the films "Pokrovskie Vorota", "Where is Nofelet?" and many others. In life, the actress is as bright and spontaneous as her heroine, and this helped her in her career and personal life.

Marina Dyuzheva: biography, filmography and personal life
Marina Dyuzheva: biography, filmography and personal life


Marina Dyuzheva was born in 1955. The family took her birth as a miracle. Her parents were already quite mature people, and her older sister was twenty years old.

Little Marina was raised as a princess and was constantly pampered. It is not surprising that the girl grew up like a small flower, protected from the winds - bright and sincere, knowing no evil. Marina Dyuzheva kept this sincerity and purity for her entire life, and all her roles in the cinema corresponded to this image.


The girl studied well at school, but preferred literature to all subjects. She wrote poetry and was fond of classical literature. No one was embarrassed that she applied to a literary school, but, to everyone's surprise, she failed the exams.

Then she went with her friend to enter the theater institute, and she was accepted, again to everyone's surprise. And the girlfriend refused admission, apparently frightened of the exams.


Marina Dyuzheva began acting in films in her first year at GITIS. In her first films, Marina appears under the maiden name of Kukushkina.

In the filmography of the actress, there are more than fifty movie roles. Mostly these are cute and charming young ladies. But in the film "Pokrovskie Vorota" Dyuzheva performed in a different role, playing a woman "absurd and all so contradictory", which surprised the audience.

Now Marina Dyuzheva continues to act, in the list of her works there are roles in the series.


Few people know that Marina Dyuzheva successfully plays in the theater. She also dubbed many foreign films and Russian cartoons. For example, the heroines of the once popular TV series "Helen and the Boys" speak in her voice.

Personal life

Marina Dyuzheva had two husbands. Her first marriage was not very happy. Her husband, Nikolai Dyuzhev, the son of a diplomat and influential man, was a spoiled guy and accustomed to luxury, and Marina grew up in a simple family. On this basis, conflicts often arose in the family, and as a result, after three years of marriage, the couple divorced. From Nikolai Dyuzhev, Marina retained her famous surname.

The couple did not have children, so Dmitry Dyuzhev, now a popular theater and film actor, is not the son of Marina Dyuzheva, although many think so. Marina and Dmitry are just namesakes.

Marina Dyuzheva's second marriage turned out to be happy. The second husband, stuntman Yuri Geiko, protects Marina like the apple of his eye, and helps her in everything. In this marriage, the couple had two sons - Misha and Grisha. Marina Dyuzheva now admits that the family for her is the main thing in life.
