Sergey Filatov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergey Filatov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Sergey Filatov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Not everyone knows that not only melodies, but also sculptures can be created from sounds. This is done by Sergey Filatov.

Sergey Filatov
Sergey Filatov

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Filatov was born in 1977. Now he is a master of experimental music, he can even extract it from plastic containers, from metal sculptures.

About a creative person


Sergey Filatov is a musician and a unique sound artist. He is the author of acoustic sculptures and original musical instruments.

Sergey Filatov often displays his artwork, which can be seen at exhibitions of contemporary art.

There are many nominations and awards in the creative biography of a contemporary artist. So, in 2016 he became a finalist for the visual arts award.

In 2017, there is another career leap for the master. His media object was recognized as the best at an international festival. The next year, Filatov's creative biography was replenished with another significant fact. He was awarded the main prize in Italy.

And in 2019, he became a finalist, presenting his media object at the next national exhibition.



The master's works can be seen in music laboratories, in sound art galleries, at festivals of experimental music, at the Center for Contemporary Art.

In 2019 Sergey Filatov took part in such exhibitions as: "Premonition of Space", "Art of Being", "Pass, Dialogues", "Little Tsakhes", "System".

Works of the master


In 2014 Sergey Filatov created a project called Omniauris. There are installations and sound performances here. This work of the famous sound master was inspired by nature. Studying it, he realized that each sound is a part of the overall sound canvas.

To replenish the numerous family of his works, to reproduce this idea, Filatov took as a basis a multi-channel speaker system. And it uses real-time studio material for sound quality.

Sound sculptures. This is another creation of the master who made a great contribution to the creation of sounding structures. Sergey Filatov has several similar works, for which he uses aluminum, quartz, glass and even plant seeds.

One of his sculptures was specially created to decorate the St. Petersburg building. It is located in the arch of a residential building in this city. The opening has a height of 6 m.

Having created an ensemble of sound generators, Sergei Vyacheslavovich built it into the refrigerating chamber, which was intended for storing grapes. The work is also very extensive. It has a diameter of 5 m and a height of 6 m.

In St. Petersburg there is a pressure chamber, with the help of which the wires are checked. Sergey Filatov created a sound canvas for this technical structure.

Technological devices


Unlike composers, who, for example, create pieces for flute and orchestra or for violin and piano, Filatov invented a piece for two technological devices.

Certain sounds are obtained here as a result of contactless and contact work. So, without even touching these instruments, the master extracts metallic sounds using a magnetic field.

Sergey Filatov also has a kinetic sound installation, an audio-visual music installation, and a percussion installation. For the latter, he used plexiglass containers. The master connected aluminum plates to these bowls. They change the amplitude of movement, and from this interesting sounds appear.

Fans of contemporary art will surely find among the creations of Sergei Filatov something that will be of interest to them. A family with children or a husband and wife can go to the performance, the musical accompaniment to which was also created with the help of Sergei Vyacheslavovich Filatov. So they will have an interesting time and learn a lot of new things.
